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HOPE4KYIV #16 ---- 1/22/2004

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                                         HOPE 4 KYIV
                                                                     Number 16
                                                         January, 2004
                                          The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
                                                   Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
                                                Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
To our dearest friends, family, "In-Pact" partners, and encouragers:
It is hard to realize it has been two months since we wrote any type of detailed praise report to you.  As you know, last month's letter was a special Christmas edition with a lovingly-selected e-card for you, and hopefully expressing our deepest gratitude for your prayer support and encouragement.  So, this letter will be a longer, covering two months of events.  Surprisingly, we didn't hear from too many folks this Christmas outside our family.  But, the dozen cards we received, along with a few e-mails, made us feel like we were remembered and prayed for at this special time of year.  We thank you for those.
As a matter of information, we have created another picture album on our site.  So many people have asked, that we've devoted this one to pictures of all our family.  Go to and click on the "Family" icon.  We hope to soon add other albums on our ministry here, one or more on the city, and two or three separate "Virtual Prayer Walking" albums which you will be able to use in praying for the city and the nation of Ukraine.
Praise Report:
Well, . . . . where do we begin?
The past two months have been wonderful.  The blessings have far outnumbered the hardships.  For example:
    +  Our first praise has to be for the incredible way Southern Baptists have been responding to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions.  Our home church in Eldorado Springs, MO exceeded last year's offering by well over 35%.  We've heard of many churches who exceeded their goals by double or more.  Perhaps the financial crisis at IMB was a wake up call that many people are answering.  We give God praise and glory.  Keep it up!
    +  Our pastoral intern, Zhenia, has become a great blessing to us with his spirit and his skills, and our "right hand man" associate pastor, Vitaly, has been a constant encouragement; every pastor needs someone like him.
    +  Our month-long celebration of Christmas was filled with numerous services where the presence of God was clearly evident. 
It's an interesting experience to have a secularized religious observance of Christmas that lasts a month and is overshadowed in importance by the New Year.  Here's a typical Holiday schedule ---- Dec 01, preliminary focus among protestant churches on Christ's birth.  Dec 15, primary focus among protestant churches on Christ's birth.  Mid December holiday decorations go up, giant "New Year's Trees" lit; schools dismiss, vacations begin.  Dec 19, St. Nicolas Day.   Dec 25, western Christmas Day.  December 31, New Year's Eve.  January 1, Modern New Year's Day; celebrations begin and last for a month.  January 6, Holy Night for Orthodox Church.  January 7, Orthodox Christmas.  January 14, old Ukrainian New Year.  January 19, Baptism of Jesus Day or Epiphany.
    +  Many new faces have appeared in our English program, Bible studies, and services.  For example, just this past Tuesday we had four brand new English students from Peru.  They are part of our Hispanic ministry.
    +  Two Sundays ago Bob preached out of Isaiah 43 on God promising to do "a new thing".  Virtually every active participant at IBC feels that is exactly what is happening.  It is an exciting time.
    +  Jo Ann has been teaching the freshman classes at St. James Bible College again these past two weeks, using Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God" material.  This class is becoming an "annually anticipated elective" for all incoming freshmen.  It has been an enjoyable but exhausting time for her; she usually spends several hours each afternoon and late into the night preparing, and then gets up at 7:30 often after a restless night to leave around 8:30, teaches until after 12:00 and then returns home for a late lunch with Bob and then back to preparation for the next day.
    +  Our oldest daughter, Cindy, and her family blessed us beyond words by spending two weeks with us the end of December.  It had been our privilege to celebrate Christmas with them in Colombia, South America, in the past, so it was a special treat to have them here with us this time.  We only wish we could have had all our kids and grand kids with us.  This was the first Christmas without Bob's dad, and also the first Christmas away from most of our family, as they all went their separate ways since we weren't home.  We learned too late that we actually could have gone home for Christmas.
Those same two months have also been trying and purifying.
    +  Holidays in Ukraine are frequent and prolonged.  Every May, August, and December/January people scatter to the four corners, and much of our momentum is lost.  This has been difficult.  You have read the description above.  This holiday season was no exception; but, the past two weeks we have seen the highest attendances the church has had in more than two years.
    +  We have faced obstacles and disappointments in the English program as one of our teachers has suffered from major cancer surgery and another one has returned to the States to stay.  See details below.
    +  We've also encountered some unexpected factors that are affecting our work; taking us by great surprise, we've found ourselves having to scramble and, to a large extent, make major alterations to our work.  This makes the future and the goals of the church more uncertain and less clear than they were.
    +  So many of our people are having serious physical or financial problems.  Just recently we were bombarded with requests to help find places to live, provide financial aid, or minister to families in crisis.  It seems they hit us all at once.  We simply do not have the resources to meet the legitimate needs, much less the wisdom to discern those who simply want a convenient hand out.
    +  Physical weariness has been pretty intense the past two months.  Working late into the night, dealing with major decisions, preparing sermons and studies, writing new material, not sleeping well, and facing the stresses of trying to meet the needs of wonderful people have taken their physical consequences.
    +  Last Tuesday Jo Ann taught on the idea that following God requires being ready to make major adjustments.  The last time she taught on that, we ended up in Kiev.  We're curious to see if the Lord again holds us to the idea of practicing what we preach.
So, as you can see, our plates have been full.
Coming Events:
While you can read details below, here are some things we are anticipating in months ahead.
+  We plan to launch our prayer ministry, small group ministry, and student ministry during the next month.
+  Bob will be writing material for an upcoming class on principles of leadership and management to begin in a few weeks.
+  We will begin a class on personal evangelism within the next few weeks.
+  Jo Ann will be motivating ladies in her leadership group to begin their own groups.
+  We will celebrate our wedding anniversary January 29th.
+  We hope to do further work on a new personal ministry website, anticipating it going on line hopefully within a couple of months.
+  The first of three or four "Developing Excellence in Leadership" conferences will be held February 20-21, as we accelerate the process of raising up leaders for our church work, especially prayer, student, and small group ministries.
+  Bob will teach the Book of Acts for two weeks at St. James Bible College beginning February 23rd.
+  Jo Ann celebrates her birthday February 27th.
+  We take back to back ministry trips to Germany (for International Baptist Convention) and Poland (International Mission Board) in March.
Prayer Requests:
We both feel an extreme burden and concern regarding some matters that relate to ministry and  future work.  All we can ask is that you intercede in our behalf like never before.  We are facing monumental matters that can have a direct effect on our own lives and ministry and that of the church.  Please pray for us, and please pray especially for International Baptist Church.  Big decisions lie before us and must be made over the next several months.  Though you may not know details, God does . . .  and that is sufficient.  To paraphrase one of Bob's favorite quotes, we only "want what God wants".
+  We plead with you to pray for our student ministry and our English ministry.  One of our teachers has had major cancer surgery, another failed to return from the States without notice and has left us with no teacher for our largest class, two others will be going back to the States in May for a number of months, and we need to begin at least two other classes right away . . . . three would be even better. 
Our student leadership team has been waiting for five months for two Journeymen to dive in and provide leadership, but it appears that will not be as comprehensive  as we had expected.  Pray that our student team and our church will be understanding.   Pray that God will provide the desperately needed leadership manpower.  There are over 300,000 students in over 50 universities, colleges, and institutes here in Kiev.  The harvest fields are enormous . . . . incomprehensible.  We have before our very eyes the possibility of literally changing the future of a nation . . . . if we can simply make a major impact with the Gospel on this people group.
On any given Sunday, 50% or more of our attendance will be university age and young adult.  Our ESL classes on Tuesdays will be 60% to 70% university age.  A strong ministry to students is imperative, especially since that age group is the most open to the Gospel of any age right now.
+  Pray especially for the large number of unbelievers who attend our weekly ESL classes and the following optional Bible study.  The Bible study has been on John's Gospel for several months.  This past Tuesday it was on Chapter 19 and the crucifixion.  People were dramatically and deeply touched as Bob shared a medical doctor's analysis of what kind of suffering Jesus probably endured, based on medical data.  One unbelieving woman told him that it was "a very troubling study".
+  Pray that the joy and excitement the church currently has will continue to expand, and that God will continue growing His kingdom.
+  Pray that the financial necessities for growth will be made available.  Our three most critical needs right now are manpower, money, and space.  Sounds like the U.S., doesn't it!!! 
However, the need is magnified many times over because of living conditions here.  With 80% to 90% of the church attendees being Ukrainian, the western dollars are just not there to support the opportunities available to us.  Pray that the Ukrainians will learn to give extravagantly by faith instead of depending so much on outside money.
+  Pray that our dear brothers and sisters here in Kiev will see God as their ultimate source, and not man . . . especially westerners.  Four consecutive generations of Ukrainians had been taught that the state was their source.  When Communism collapsed, westerners flooded the area to help, and unintentionally created a similar substitute. The church has not been exempt from this mentality.  There are times when we certainly must turn to believers in America, but there are more times when Ukrainians must take personal responsibility.
+  Pray that true democracy and freedom, in practice as well as in word, become a reality here, free from manipulation, corruption, and power mongering.  Ukrainians need to taste first hand what real democracy is and what true freedom can be, if found in Christ.
+  Pray that God will show us what to do about greatly needed space.  We feel the Lord wants us to either rent or purchase an apartment that could be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for home groups, English classes, Bible studies, leadership training, house churches, and youth and children's activities. 
However, that involves a minimum of $350 a month or more to rent, and probably $25,000 or much more for a purchase.  With an average monthly offering income of $400 to $500, it is a human impossibility.  Almost of half of that now goes to renting space at the Central Baptist Church, and another 25% goes to menial salary supplement for several members who are employed by the church.  The average Ukrainian here still earns less than $20 a month.  Most doctors earn $60 or less a month, so you can imagine what the common worker gets.
+  Pray for our growing Hispanic work.  Three weeks ago a young Peruvian came to Christ at 4:00 in the morning as a result of this ministry.  Yesterday four brand new faces were in our English classes.  This work could soon become a house church without too much effort.  Pray for Jesus, Carmen, Tania, and Maria as they lead that ministry.
+  Pray for our emerging cell group ministry.  Our primary goal continues to be that of planting new churches.  Pray that God will provide and retain the personnel for that.  Our pastoral intern, Zhenia, is ready to go on this.  Pray that we develop a fruitful plan and that the church will enthusiastically endorse it.
+  Pray for our prayer ministry.  Last Sunday was a thrilling time as God broke through in the hearts of many people, and we officially launched that vital part of our church life.  God is moving His people to prayer; that is always a sign that He is about something big.  A great writer of the past said that when God gets ready to move, He sets His people to praying.
+  Pray about two possible "partnering" opportunities . . . . one with a new church start that is focusing on students, and the other with a local Christian university.
+  Pray for Bob as he begins a major teaching load.  Last Sunday he began a series of messages on prayer.  Next week he begins teaching a separate prayer leadership group on "Developing An Effective Prayer Life".  As you know, the prayer ministry is the foundational ministry upon which IBC's other ministries will rest. 
In a few short weeks he will also begin teaching a group of 20 to 30 people on "Biblical Principles of Leadership and Management".  This will include both believers and non-believers.  Then also very soon he will begin teaching a seminar on personal evangelism.  Finally, he will teach the book of Acts at St. James Bible College beginning February 23rd, four hours a day for two weeks. 
+  Pray for the rapid development and deployment of leaders.  We feel this is an immediate need that requires "high octane" action.  The needs to continue to mount, and our current leadership group is small and strained.
+  Pray that God makes His will plain to us regarding vacation plans and possible ministry extension or change as we draw closer to our September deadline.
There is so much more we'd like to share with you, but time and space are more than gone.  Just remember that we value your friendship, your support, your encouragement, and your prayer more than you will ever know.  Thank you for being there for us.
Please drop us a note when you can.  We love hearing from friends and family back home. We know that not only does absence make the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the mind more forgetful.  Don't forget us.
One final important matter:  Anytime someone wants to send a package to us, please do NOT send it via UPS, FedEx, or similar shippers.  Those packages ALWAYS arrive in Customs and Kiev and almost always include a big fee.  Recently we had to pay $260 fee to get 96 small Bibles.
So . . . . IF a package is shipped, send it ONLY via Meese OR U.S. Postal Service.  If it is books, USPS has a package called "M Bag" which is U.S. government property and cannot be opened by anyone other than the recipient.  Keep in mind that extra cost for faster delivery may pay off in the long run.
We love you, and cherish our relationship with you.  We pray that you prosper in everything you endeavor, proportionate to the prospering of your soul.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites: for the general work in Kiev. for access to our pix albums.
To Receive an e-mail prayer guide on Central and Eastern Europe, write
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
May I Recommend . . . .
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- City Reaching/City Impact Roundtable. ---- Wolfgang Simpson's "Friday Fax" from New Zealand. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Bulletin On Revival" by Francois Carr in South Africa. ---- "Youth Interceding For America". ---- "Mission America" . ---- "The Lighthouse Movement". Click on "Lighthouses".
Other Great Resources Are: for great Bible resources and downloads. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!)"Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings,  "Christian Computing Magazine",  CCMag discussion newsletter,  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . .