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HOPE4KYIV #20 ---- 5/26/04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

Number 20

May 26, 2004


The “In-Pact” Praise/Prayer letter of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, UKraine


Dearest Friends, Family, and “In-Pact” Partners:


Greetings from the “Chestnut City”, the birthplace of the Rus Empire.  Springtime still lingers with cool weather, and we continue enjoying the flowers, the occasional cleansing rain, and the blue skies dotted by white clouds drifting as backdrops to the skyline of modern buildings on the left bank and ancient churches and citadels on the right bank.  Just as it is a time of renewing and rebirth in nature, it is as well to our spirits.




We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and your warm letters of encouragement over the numerous special prayer letters we sent since our regular April “Hope4Kyiv” letter.  Thank you so much for your intercession and your encouragement.  It has not been an easy time.


+  Obviously we are elated over how God has answered prayer concerning Baby Nicole and our daughter Deanna.  At this time all signs are good, and she is lagging behind slightly in only two of ten areas.  She is due early July.


+  Jo Ann has not had any further recurrence with her pain or erratic blood pressure, but we’re monitoring that closely.


+  The visas for our ladies were granted less than 24 hours before plane departure, and they had an amazing time at the conference in Germany.  Three of them were asked to speak in the conference, and their testimonies were eye-openers to the others.  Most important, however, is that our ladies’ lives were changed;  you can see the difference.


What’s Been Happening:


+  Busy, as usual. 


+  Our IMB website at has been revised so it is more “dynamic”.  This allows us to change things for you so that current news and pictures will be there.  Our schedule has been so busy that we’ve been unable to do much with it, but please keep checking it.  We hope to be able to post new things every couple of weeks.  We’ve also added some albums of our ladies’ trip to Germany at  We’ll be adding other albums for prayer walking and viewing the city soon as well.


+  We are apparently losing just about all of our pastoral leadership team over the next few weeks/months.  Vitaly has asked to be relieved of his role as Associate Pastor.  Our pastoral intern, Zhenia, will go to Belgium for seminary, and ‘Jesus, our Associate Pastor of Hispanic ministries has been approved by the UNHCR for a visa to U.S.  So, we’re now going through the process of rebuilding a team.


+  ESL classes continue to grow, averaging 130 to 140 people every week.  Bob’s follow-up Bible study class has seen 50+ attending.  They have been studying Genesis.  The past few sessions have been powerfully anointed as the Holy Spirit has given him exceptional freedom to talk about God’s purpose for man, man’s fall, entrance of sin into the human race, Cain’s failure to meet God’s standard, and the devastation of sin.  Last Tuesday he covered Romans 1 and Psalm 51 to illustrate the tragedy of sin.  That continues to be one of Bob’s most exciting ministries.


+  Jo Ann will “graduate” her women’s leadership class Sunday as we recognize them and present them to the church as leaders ready to lead small groups in “Experiencing God”.


+  We recently entertained 28 students from St. James Bible Institute to a day of sightseeing in Kiev; most of them are from villages.  It was our privilege to take them to several of the famous sites, do lunch at McDonald’s, take a river boat ride, then go to our apartment for a movie and pizza.  They were so appreciative!  New to all.


+  Even though it’s progressing slowly, we’ve already seen God honor our new youth ministry with the Alpha Course.  Sveta, our AC leader, led a young teen girl to Christ in our apartment a couple weeks ago.  We praise Him for that.


+  Bob’s “Leadership/Management” class now meets weekly.  He’s been able to share some Biblical and evangelistic truths as he talks about principles of leadership.  About 20 to 25 attend.


+  The “PrayKIEV” prayer strategy continues to grow.  We know of at least 1400 e-mail addresses currently receiving the twice-monthly letter through our list and others.  The momentum within Kiev is growing slowly but enthusiastically as more learn about it.  We hope to have a special praise and prayer rally in June, and Bob hopes to meet with several key Ukrainian leaders and western missionaries to solicit their participative support.  Our website will be up and running within the next few weeks.


+  Jo Ann continues meeting every other week with her evangelistic Conversational English group of gals from the Internet Service company downstairs.  It is a really fun time, and she’s developing some good relationships with a couple of them.


+  Our “restaurant ministry”   ] x(-:]  is not only providing us with good food, but with some wonderful contacts.  Seriously, we believe God has opened the door for us, especially at two restaurants ---- Uno’s (a pizza place near where our church meets), and TGI Friday’s.  This is especially true at Fridays.  One waitress and her husband have been attending our church for the past couple of months, and recently another waitress, her boyfriend, and a manager have started coming to our Tuesday ESL and following Bible studies.  Even though the boyfriend and the manager neither speak good English, they have expressed their thrill over what they’re learning both in English and from our Bible study.   We have a second Bible study class in Russian, but they insist on coming to Bob’s class.


+  Our second “Excellence In Leadership Conference” was held last week-end, jointly sponsored by IBC and CCX (Ukrainian equivalent to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship), and had an attendance of over 40, including about 10 unbelievers and 10 or more from our church.  As yet, however, we’ve not seen any significant impact on life at IBC.  We will offer the third round in September.


+  We have been hearing the same basic message  from numerous sources and ministries in many countries. . . . This is Ukraine’s time, and Kiev is pivotal to the spiritual future of Central and Eastern European countries.  We don’t have time to list all of the articles we’re receiving, but it is clear that God is positioning people and things for a mighty visitation in this place within the next year or two.  Perhaps at another time we’ll send a special letter featuring what we’re seeing and hearing.  But, it is astounding, and it is exciting.  It is something we won’t want to miss.


Did You Know?


+  You can get a haircut here for less than $3, and the barber will come to your house??

+  It costs about $18 to have a tooth pulled??  Your neighbor will probably do it for even less! 

+  An MRI costs from $50 to $300 here, depending on which hospital you go to??  Your neighbor can’t do this.

+  If you whistle inside your apartment, all your success and profits go out the window??  If you whistle inside yourself, you may have a medical problem, and need an MRI, which your neighbor can’t provide.  He will tell you to stop whistling, though!

+  Most evangelical believers from the Orthodox background still cling to many of their old beliefs, such as having bread and grain blessed or thinking that you can pray to angels, who are equal with God?? 

+  There’s no such thing as “personal space” in Ukraine??

+  We don’t get many e-mails and snail-mail letters from folks back home like we used to.  Hope we’re not forgotten.


What’s The Answer?


We’re curious as to how much you remember from previous letters.  Can you answer these? 

+  What is Kiev’s official emblem? 

+  Who is Kiev’s patron saint? 

+  Who is Kiev’s patron angel? 

+  What is Kiev’s official tree?

+  When was Kiev officially founded?

+  What is Kiev’s current estimated population?

+  What is the name of our IMB missionary title?


What’s Ahead:


+  Our ESL and Bible study classes will continue through July, and will take August off.


+  Bob’s weekly evangelistic Leadership and Management class will continue through June.  It has been so popular that we’ll probably offer it again in the Fall.


+  We are revising our model of pastoral leadership, and have already begun discussing some options which we think will work better and will provide a more permanent leadership than simply building on current and future Ukrainian personnel.  We are now looking at a team of eventually six to ten men, both American and Ukrainian, who will form a pastoral and shepherding team.  Our Leadership Council has expressed unanimous affirmation of this idea, as we continue our gradual transition out of the role of “senior pastor”.


+  We have decided to not return to the States in July for a couple of weeks, even though our youngest daughter is expecting our 12th grandchild at that time.  Instead, we will be traveling to Interlaken, Switzerland, for the International Baptist Convention’s annual Leadership Conference.  We missed this last year because of the death of Bob’s father.  Some of the SBC’s great preachers will be our keynote speakers.  We also plan to take a few days of vacation time at the end of the session.


+  We are still deliberating over our future ministry here in Kiev.  Our current term officially ends the first of September, but we anticipate an extension.  We believe our work is far from finished.


Our Future:


As you recall, we were asked to come to Kiev to pastor IBC and help it transition from an IMB missionary pastor to an English speaking national.  That has proven to be ill advised and unrealistic.  So, that assignment was modified to simply transitioning to a non-IMB missionary pastor.  That change, along with the unexpected dismantling of our current pastoral team (as described earlier), has created new dynamics in the process.


Subsequently, the IMB leadership here has asked us to extend our current term to as late as November, 2005, and continue the step-by-step process of transition out of senior pastor role to a lesser role, eventually phasing out completely from the church.  In addition, they have asked that Bob develop and direct a four-year student practicum program for a local Christian university, and that he also officially direct a city-wide prayer strategy for Kiev.


We do not know the ultimate outcome yet, but do feel the Lord has given us some very clear direction that has moved the process forward.  Our major current concern regards the practicum program.  We’re not having much success in meeting with the school’s local leadership and trying to nail down any specifics.  At the moment, we’re not particularly favorable with the process as it now stands.


We hope to have some definitive facts within the next week or two.  As soon as we do, then we will be writing our formal request for our extension that we have been asked to take.  Then it will be in the hands of our IMB colleagues.  Basically, the three possible end results would be that we will extend until November, 2005, or extend until November, 2004, or not extend at all and come home early September, 2004.


We will keep you posted.  As always with missionaries, we are torn between home and home.  Like Paul, we “long to be with you” and we “long to be with them”.  Frankly, it’s a joy, . . . . but it’s not always fun.


Prayer Requests:


+  Pray urgently for “PrayKiev” prayer strategy.  We are more convinced than ever that this movement of God is essential.  (If you are not receiving the “PrayKIEV” prayer letter, please sign up today!  Just let us know.)


+  Pray for the completion of our “PrayKIEV” website.  It is needed badly; there is much that needs to be shared.  Pray for our good friend, Lewis, as he continues working diligently on the project.


+  Pray that God will bring men from America to join us in forming a pastoral leadership team, and also He will raise up some Ukrainian men and some from other countries to become part of that team.  Because we are an international church, we want an international pastoral team.


+  Pray for our Cuban friends.  The UNHCR has approved them for Visas to U.S., but there is still lots of red tape to go through.  Pray that God’s will is done.  Pray that God will shape a Hispanic pastoral leadership team for these people.  They are not far from becoming a self-contained church.  From human standpoint, losing the leaders and forming a church don’t match; but, God is doing something extraordinary there.


+  Pray for our church prayer ministry.  Interest comes and goes.  For example, over 20 people attended our workshop on prayer walking three weeks ago, but at our next session we had only six while some from last meeting took a boat ride.  Enthusiasm is not always followed up with action.  Pray that God will speak clearly to hearts regarding priorities and devotion to Him.


+  Pray for Bob as he continues a heavy writing schedule, and as he seeks the mind of the Father in what to teach and preach.


+  Pray for Jo Ann as she frequently exercises her “hospitality” gift in entertaining in our apartment, and as she continues developing relationships for witnessing and for mentoring and training new leaders.  Pray that God gives her a new group of ladies into whom she can pour her life.


+  Pray for both of us in the next few weeks as we have comprehensive dental work done.  Bob had a tooth pulled last Monday, and we both face extensive work this Friday, and then three days next week, plus more the following week. . . . three to six hours per session!


+  Continue praying for Baby Nicole, Deanna, Jim, and the children . . . . that God will usher in a perfect little girl in July.


+  Pray for Cindy and her family as they continue raising support and prepare to return to Colombia in August.


+  Pray that the Church in Kiev will come together in unity and cooperation in reaching this city with the Gospel.


+  Pray fervently that people here will find the truth.  They are so hungry for spiritual reality that they often chase after any religious alternative, no matter how demonic and deceptive the teachings.  They are particularly vulnerable to and interested in the perversions of eastern religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, and doctrines of the Orthodox Church.  Syncretism is creating chaos among many churches.  Pray that Jesus, The Only Truth, will be revealed, and that all other perversions will be nullified.




Thank you again, dear friends, for your incredible prayer support.  The battle has often been intense, the attacks frequent, but the opportunities beyond comprehension.  We wish you could experience what we do.  The work of the Lord is mind boggling.  And we know we could not do even half of what we do if it were not for you.  We hope we are never out of your minds and that we are always in your prayers.  We love you and thank God for you every day we live.


In His Bond and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

IBC - Hope4Kyiv

   Jo Ann:


Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our pix albums.


To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer

   network, send a blank message to

To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to


To Receive an e-mail prayer guide on Central and Eastern Europe, write


For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,

subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that

hang down", at


For Back Issues of . . .

   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .

   "Hope4Kyiv", go to

   “PrayKIEV”, go to


For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.


Some More Good Sites: for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.,20310,europe-550,00.html general information about Ukraine and Kiev.


Other Great Resources Are: for great Bible resources and downloads. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!)"Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings,  "Christian Computing Magazine",  CCMag discussion newsletter,  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.


Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . .


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