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HOPE4KYIV SPECIAL REQUEST ---- President of Macedonia is dead

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear H4K friends:
We just received this notice a few minutes ago, and felt the urgent need to forward it to you.  Please be in prayer for this nation and for what God wants to do there.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

I write with you to share an urgent need for local and worldwide prayer for the President of Macedonia, his family, the Evangelical Church of Macedonia, and all the people of this nation.
This morning at about 10am local time I received a call from the President's office that the private jet on which he was traveling this morning went down about 50 miles southwest of Sarajevo.
The BBC reports:
Government sources said air traffic controllers lost radio contact with it during poor weather conditions. The aircraft disappeared from radar at about 9 a.m. (0800 GMT) Thursday over southeastern Bosnia, near the city of Stolac, Andrej Lepavcov, the president's chief of staff, said.
Trajkovski was flying to the Bosnian city Mostar for an international investment conference. The area where the plane disappeared from radar is about 20 miles (32 km) southeast of Mostar.

By about 11am local time, I received a second call from the President’s office that it was confirmed that the plane had crashed, there were no survivors (9 on board), and that the President of Macedonia was dead.

Just nine short days ago, the President was meeting with the Pastors of Skopje in his chambers for united prayer and fellowship. The Pastors spoke of their increased hope and encouragement about what God was doing in their midst, in the Church, in the nation, and with the President. Just 9 days ago, the President was exhorting the Pastors to reach out to the Albanian Muslims of Macedonia. Just 9 days ago, the President shared with the brothers that he rarely has the time to just sit down and focus on the Lord, especially with like-hearted brothers.
Now, nine days later, our dear brother, President Boris Trajkovski is in the full presence of the Lord. Today He finished his race, he finished his call of leading this country through incredible struggle and strife over the last years. And today he has gone on to Glory – to be forever in the presence of the Lord!

My brothers and sisters – what can we make of all this? Just when this vital link was being established and built upon between the Pastors and the President, just as the prayer shield was going up – the President is gone. Just as the Pastors are coming together in in creasing unity and prayer – it seems like a blow has come to the Church and to this nation.
We must go to prayer now even more than ever. We must see the face of the Lord. We must cry out, call out, and proclaim that “God is in Control!” Nothing can happen to any of His children which are under his watchful eye. Since the the year of prayer, PrayMacedonia 2002, maybe more prayer has been raised up for this nation and her people than before. As a result we have seen transformation and breakthrough in historic measure within His Church.

We can be sure of only one thing in times like this: That the Word of God is true and that His Promises are True. Period.
We can be sure of Isaiah 55:8-9:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

In this moment we may not understand all that is happening, but we can be sure that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. We can be sure that according to Isaiah 55:11 His Word has gone and is going forth in this land, and it will NOT return void. The President was a bearer of the Word of the Lord and through him the Word has gone forth – so though he is now in the presence of the Lord, the seed which God planted through our Boris will NOT return void!!!!!

I know that this is true because even before the President left us I saw another evidence of breakthrough coming in the spiritual realm here in Macedonia. You see, last night I was at a meeting for 3 hours with the Pastors and Church leaders of Skopje gathered together. The purpose of the meeting was to plan for a city-wide evangelistic outreach for the first week of June. The churches together agreed to do 10 separate outreaches in 5 days. Then they agreed to two other things which will be a historic First for this city! In mid-April, all the churches in Skopje will close their doors and have one combined Worship Service to pray and prepare together for the June outreach! Then in June, on the last day of the outreach, the churches will close their doors and all meet in the the 1500 seat Universal Hall in Skopje – but this will be an evangelistic meeting and the whole city of Skopje will be invited.

In these days, can I ask you to gather others around you and enter into some concerted prayer for this nation and her people, who are actually God’s people!

€Pray for the God of Peace to comfort President Trajkovski and his 2 children as they deal with the sudden and tragic loss of a husband and father. Pray the same for the people of this country who have lost a Godly leader.

€Pray for the Pastors in Macedonia, that they also will be comforted by God and will hear from Him about how to lead the Church in prayer and calling out to the Lord in these days.

€Pray especially for the core group of Pastors that have been meeting together and on 2 or 3 occasions with the President over the last 18 months, as they have also lost a friend today.

€Pray that according to the Word of the Lord, the name of Jesus will be glorified and lifted up in this nation in increasing ways and that the Church will be pulled forward towards increased Unity and Prayer.

€Pray for the government leaders of Macedonia as they meet in these days to decide on how to fill the void. Pray also that we could see new believers raised up among the government leaders.

€Pray for the Church to march forward with the plans which He has laid forth for the country-wide outreach and join services – and for believers here to have greater compassion for the lost and boldness to share their faith.

A growing crescendo of prayer and unity in the Body has brought us this far – and now it must carry us forward. Thank your for standing with us in this critical time in the history of this nation. President Trajkovski experienced today the true transformational power of Christ TODAY! Now we must press forward in believing God for a complete unity of His Church and complete Transformation of this nation!

In sorrow of loss and celebration of a life that was devoted to Christ and his country,


"PrayMacedonia" so that all might be reached, all might be saved.....

"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none".
Ezekiel 22:30

Bryan Brenchley