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How to Be Sure You're a Real Christian

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you know for certain that you have a home reserved for you in heaven?

Some day, every one of us will die, or should Christ come today, we will certainly have a life of one kind or another that lasts forever.  One will be an eternal life with Christ; the other will be eternal torment with the prince of this world, the evil one, Satan and his demons.

There is a way you can be certain where you will spend eternity.  It is to believe, not only in the existence of Jesus Christ, that He lived and died as a man, but that He is the eternal Son of God, the One who actually became man to show us the nature of God, and to draw us back to God.  The Bible says that Jesus IS the Way, the Truth, and the life, and that NO man comes to the Father, but through Christ.

The link below goes into the details, explaining both the problem and the solution.  The problem is sin, the solution is what Christ did on the Cross - taking the punishment of sin upon Himself, paying for in full (atoning) for our sin.  To all who embrace Christ, accepting that He paid it all, recognizing that we need sin to be accounted for, and agreeing that He paid it.  I agree He paid it for me.  Do you agree He paid it for you as well?

Read the message in the link and ask yourself the questions.  Jesus is the answer.

--   Brian Masinick  masinick at yahoo dot com