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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

A Computer Was Something On TV
 From A Science Fiction Show Of Note
A Window Was Something You Hated To Clean
And Ram Was The Cousin Of A Goat.
Meg Was The Name Of My Girlfriend
And Gig Was A Job For The Night
Now They All Mean Different Things
And That Really Mega Bytes.

An Application Was For Employment
A Program Was A TV Show
A Cursor Used Profanity
A Keyboard Was A Piano.
Compress Was Something You Did To The Garbage
Not Something You Did To A File
And If You Unzipped Anything In Public
You'd Be In Jail For Quite A While.
Log On Was Adding Wood To The Fire
Hard Drive Was A Long Trip On The Road
A Mouse Pad Was Where A Mouse Lived
And A Backup Happened To Your Commode.
Cut You Did With A Pocket Knife
Paste You Did With Glue
A Web Was A Spider's Home
And A Virus Was The Flu. 
I Guess I'll Stick To My Pad And Pencil
And The Memory In My Head
I Hear Nobody's Been Killed In A Computer Crash
But When It Happens, They Wish They Were Dead
Just a line to say that I am living,
that I'm not among the dead;
though I'm getting more forgetful
and mixed up in my head.
I got wed to my arthritis
to my dentures I'm resigned;
I can manage with my trifocals
but, God, I miss my mind!
For sometimes I can't remember
when I stand at the foot of the stairs;
If I must go up for something
or have I just come down from there?
And before the fridge so often
my poor mind is filled with doubt;
Have I just put food away, or
have I just come to take some out?
And there is time when it is dark
with my nightcap on my head;
I don't know if I'm retiring
or just getting out of bed.
So, if it's my turn to write you,
there is no need for getting sore;
I may think that I have written
and don't want to be a bore.
So, remember that I miss you
and wish that you were near;
but now it's nearly mail time,
must say goodbye, my dear.
Here I stand beside the mailbox
with a face so very red;
instead of mailing your letter
I have opened it instead!          
"Granny's Got a Bike"
My family thinks I'm crazy,
for buying this new bike.
Well, who taught them to ride,
when they were little tikes?
It seems like everybody wants me
in my rocking chair,
knitting blankets, socks and mittens-
but, there's so much more out there!
Well, I have got a wake up call!
You think that I'm too old,
and should be staying in the house-
so I won't catch a cold?
Listen up! I'm on my way!
I'm getting out of here!
I'm peddlin' and I'm peddlin'-
so keep those sidewalks clear!
I've got my safety helmet on-
so darlings don't you fret.
Cause Granny's got a brand new bike-
you aint seen nothin' yet!

Have a Blessed Weekend
Dave and Barbara
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