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July 16, 2010

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                                                     Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation                 July 16, 2010

Working the works of god

(John 6:1-71)

I.  Concentration:  on the context of "working the works of God"

        1.   The common people followed Jesus for the bread, v. 26.

        2.   Jesus spoke of spiritual food available, v. 27.

        3.   He identified Himself as the source of that spiritual food, v. 27.

        4.   The people asked, "What shall we DO, that we may work the

              works of God?"

II.  Observations:  Why did some followers leave Jesus?

1.      Because they could not understand His teachings, v. 52.  Christ's

        teachings are only spiritually discerned, I Corinthians 2:14.

2.      Because they did understand, but wanted no part in God's plan, if

        it involved suffering and death, vv. 53-56.   Christ's demands to follow

        Him may involve persecution, II Timothy 3:12.

3.      Because Jesus switched from meeting their physical needs (hunger)

        to focusing on spiritual truths:  "bread of life," 11, 26, 31-35.  Christ's

        miraculous works in the physical realm are designed to focus our minds

        on the spiritual realm.

4.      Because they were offended by His demand to believe His words, vv. 61-64

        . . . to follow Him through sacrifice.  Christ's teachings either produce faith

        and commitment or unbelief and a moving away from God's love, mercy,

        and grace.

III.  Meditation:  "What shall we do?"

1.      "The work of God" is not doing charitable deeds.
2.      "The work of God" is not doing miracles.

3.   "The work of God" is not doing even prayer and fasting.

        4.   "The work of God" is believing

              That He was sent by God the Father, v. 29. 

IV.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      Most of Jesus' followers deserted Him when He began teaching about

        His coming death . . . "eat His flesh and drink His blood," vv. 66-67

2.      These words were to be understood spiritually, not literally, v. 63.
3.      Peter testified that only Jesus had the words of eternal live, v. 68.
4.      Speaking for the Twelve, Peter asserted that they believe and know

        that Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the living God," v. 69.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Follow Jesus in faithful, abiding, intimate spiritual relationship, John 15:4.

        2.   Seek divine revelation to understand Jesus' teachings, I John 2:27.

        3.   Testify to the lost that "JESUS SAVES," Acts 4:12.

        4.   Exercise continually growing faith, which not only believes, but also knows

              personally Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:16.

No man ever spoke like this man!

(John 7:1-53)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  Jesus spoke with authority, John 7:11-46

        1.   Jesus' brothers did not believe in Him; Jews wondered how Jesus could

              know the Scriptures; some thought He was the Messiah, vv. 1-31.

2.      Jesus spoke of His departure; He promised the Holy Spirit, vv. 1-31.
3.      The people discussed Messiah's home; Bethlehem, not Galilee, vv. 40-44.
4.      Officers sent to arrest Jesus returned empty-handed, marveling at His

        words; Nicodemus told the Jews not to pre-judge Jesus, vv. 45-53.

II.  Meditation:  on words describing how Jesus spoke with authority

1.      Wisdom, 15 – knowledge and understanding from above.
2.      Authority, 17 – not as the scribes.
3.      Humility, 18a – to glorify the Father.
4.      Truth, 18b – is true; speaks truth.
5.      Integrity, 18c – no sin, but total righteousness.
6.      Logic, 23-24 – mercy supersedes law.
7.      Boldness, 26 – in public; to all who will listen.
8.      Clarity, 28 & 29 – claimed to be sent by God.
9.      Mystery (revealed secret), 33 & 34 – hinted at death and resurrection.
10.     Promise, 37, 38, 39 – hope; satisfaction for thirsty souls through Holy Spirit.

III.  Observations:  on Nicodemus' defense of Jesus

        Nicodemus (vv. 50-51) said that judgment about a man should be based on what

        the man says and does.  This matches Jesus' criteria in v. 18 - - judge on . . . 1)

        speech - - what he says, 2) motivation – why? . . . to glorify God or self? and 3)

        actions - - what he does.

IV.  Revelation:  on "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water," (vv. 37-39)

1.      Rivers of worship and praise, Acts 2:4, 11.
2.      Rivers of witnessing, Acts 1:8; John 15:26-27;
3.      Rivers of ministry, Mark 16:17-18.
4.      Rivers of gifts, I Corinthians 12:4, 7-11.
5.      Rivers of intercession and prayer, Romans 8:26-27.
6.      Rivers of fruitfulness, Galatians 5:22-23.
7.      Rivers of peace and strength, I Corinthians 14:4.
8.      Rivers of revelation, Ephesians 1:18.

      Ephesians 5:18 – "Keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit."

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Hear Jesus' words with spiritually-tuned ears; with discernment.

        2.   Believe He IS the truth and He SPEAKS the truth.

        3.   Spend time meditating for enlightenment:  knowledge, understanding,

              wisdom, guidance, and revelation from above.

        4.   Obey Christ's commands; follow His directions . . . He has all power

              and all authority.

 (Note:  the "Rivers" listed are from the teachings of Dr. Jack Hayford)

"Smartness runs in my family.  When I went to school I was

so smart my teacher was in my class for five years."

--George Burns

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