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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Since we're sending our regular monthly letter out in a couple of days, I'll just let Jim's and Deanna's words bring you up to date on Nicole's condition.  There's still a long uphill climb ahead, but there is clearly renewed confidence and expectation.  God is faithful.
As you read it, our prayer is two-fold:
+  That you'll be greatly encouraged by what you read, and that your faith will rise up within you.
+  That, rather than taking a break from faith praying, you will instead experience intensity in it.
Bob and Jo Ann
Jim's and Deanna's letter from Monday night:
First of all, thank you, again to all of you who have prayed so diligently.  Nicole seems to be better yet again today.  Her color is good, she's "tolerating" her feedings far better this time around.  They put her on some new, milder heart medication today and, according to Deanna, one of the doctors even seemed surprised at how well she was doing.  Deanna and her sister Cindy also both saw her swallow on more than one occasion.  This is critical to her being able to take a bottle once the feeding tube is removed.
In my mind, at least, all of this turn-around happened when I received the e-mail from Bob re: Anya, their dentist! and her prayer.  I realized that we have still not yet heard what God has said in this.  The doctors said, "terminal" and I simply believed it without ever hearing from God on the matter.  One of the things I prayed from the very first moment that we knew had problems with the pregnancy was that we would be able to hear "even the slightest sigh" from the heart of God.  PERHAPS we've been hearing God's voice all along in the prayers of all of you.  Until He confirms it in our hearts - or until He confirms it by a direct answer, we must simply pray what is in OUR hearts.  And until He reveals otherwise, we're going to pray for Nicole's complete healing.  I decided to, as somewhere in Joshua puts it, "fight for my wife and daughter and family and home."  I decided to agree with the prayers around the world that Nicole be whole.  Ever since, she has been climbing.  So keep it up!
Personally, I'm recognizing more and more that this is a marathon.  And that, even if it the Lord's will to bring Nicole to OUR home, we still don't know what we have - and won't for awhile.  We don't know what effect - if any - her condition will have.  What a walk of faith.  What a strong test of "Walk WITH Jesus."
More friends from church came down again (you all are incredible!) and so did Aunt Cindy, Uncle Kevin, and Christopher.  Christopher was pretty disappointed that he didn't actually get to see Nicole (just pictures) but it was a nice visit for everyone.
Not much more to say, unless Deanna winds up adding something.
From Deanna:  When I was a student at Emmaus Road, one of the things I vividly remember Jack Deere teaching was not to limit our faith by our own experience.  i.e.  Just because I've never experienced seeing a blind man healed, doesn't mean God can't and won't restore sight to the blind.  I believe he can do that regardless of my personal experience.  The same with Nicole, I'm not going to give up hope and faith that God can heal her of any and all details and effects of trisomy 18 just
simply because I have never seen it nor experienced it.  Instead, I'm going to expect to experience God's miracle in her based on my faith, rather than base my faith on current experience (of myself and of doctors).  Please continue to join us in prayers of faith for the same.
Walk WITH Jesus,
Jim and Deanna
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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