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Parking Place

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Parking Place"

As pastor of a two-church parish, my husband had to drive
every Sunday morning about six kilometers from the 9:30
service at one church to the 11 o'clock at the other. He would often
find the parking lot of the second church full, and be forced to park
down the road and race to the church on foot. The problem was finally
solved when he selected a parking spot near the side door of the church,
where he posted a sign: YOU PARK - YOU PREACH.

"Cool Reception"

The teacher asked her fifth-grade class, "How was
Columbus treated when he returned from his third voyage."

One student said, "Lots of people met him at the pier,
and they all had a great time."

Sternly, the teacher said, "You didn't read the assignment!"

The student brought the textbook up to the teacher's
desk and showed her where it read, "Columbus
received a cool reception when he returned from his
third voyage."


God called down to Moses and said, "I've got
good news and bad news. Which do you want
Moses replied, "Most merciful God, if I have
brought you any favour, please give me the good
news first."
"Moses, the good news is that I've chosen you
to deliver my people from bondage," God
answered. "I will force Pharaoh to release my
children by causing years of pestilence in Egypt.
There will be plagues of locusts and frogs and
incredible devastation upon the land. Pharaoh's
armies will chase you as you try to leave, but do
not fear because I will part the waters of the Red
Sea to aid in your escape."
"And the bad news?" Moses inquired.
"You have to prepare the Environmental Impact
Statement,"  God replied.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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