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Plane Ride Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Plane Ride"

A man took a ride in a stunt plane. The pilot dove and spun, putting the plane through its entire repertoire. When they landed the passenger gasped, "Thank you for the rides!"
"That was only one ride," said the pilot.
"I'll call it two." said the man. "My first and my last!"

"Prison Choir"
While I was preaching in a church in Mississippi, the pastor announced that their prison choir would be singing the following evening. I wasn't aware there was a prison in the vicinity and I looked forward to hearing them.
The next evening, I was puzzled when members of the church approached the stage. Then the pastor introduced them. "This is our prison choir," he said, "behind a few bars and always looking for the key."
My 5-year-old son was proud of the fact he had graduated from bow ties to a necktie just like Dad's. But one Sunday morning, with his hand clutching the tie, I heard this panicked whisper, "Dad, why did the pastor say they're going to collect the ties and offering?"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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