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Re: Word for Today

Posted by: henriqueps <henriqueps@...>

Hi Brian,

I have kept the collection of all messages you have sent us.
God has blessed us through your life.
The next year is so close now.
Let´s see what God has reserved us to 2008!
Keep the messages and Bible´s studies.
I pray God guide you through all your decisions.

Your brother,
Henrique Senra

Brian Masinick
23/12/2007 04:20

Favor responder a Assunto [1Corinthians7] Word for Today

You may notice that I have not sent any mailings in quite a while. My life
circumstances have changed quite a bit and it has been difficult to
and write materials on a regular basis. I could use some help in that
If anyone would like to write for this group or even assume moderation or
co-moderation of this group I welcome that.

Should there be no interest, it is likely that this group will dissolve.

It is my prayer that each of you have your own independent Bible reading
prayer time, and hopefully that this ministry has been useful to you in the
past. If you are now able to use the Bible reading skills that you have
acquired to share with others, that would be great. Feel free to write
messages to this list any time by writing to the Email address

Yours in Christ,

Brian Masinick, masinick at yahoo dot com
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