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September 4, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                    Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation            September 4, 2009

The Golden Rule In Proper Perspective

(Matthew 7:1-29)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus taught His disciples the necessity of striking a balance between

                  criticism, perception, and discrimination/discernment, vv. 1-6.

2.      Jesus taught His disciples to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking in

        prayer; He taught them "The Golden Rule", vv. 7-12.

3.      Jesus taught that only a minority of persons will travel on the road to

        spiritual life, that persons can be known by their fruits, and that some

        persons will be false disciples (hypocrites), vv. 13-23.

4.      Jesus taught that persons who hear and obey His teachings are building

        their lives on a solid rock, rather than building on sand; the people were

        astonished at Jesus' teaching, because He taught with personal authority

        rather than citing other non-biblical sources, vv. 24-29.

II.  Meditation:  on why His disciples should live by "The Golden Rule" (v. 12)

1.      The Golden Rule begins with the word "therefore," referring to the eleven

        verses preceding it; our actions (judging others, etc.) will result in other

        persons treating us in the same way we treated them.

2.      We are blinded by our own short-comings . . . therefore, we are incapable

        of discerning fault in others . . . of correctly pronouncing judgment upon

        them as a judge passes sentence upon a condemned felon. 

3.      God blesses us, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us; we are

        to treat other undeserving people the same way God treats us.

4.      Old Testament Law and Prophecy demand that we live this way.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      There is a spiritual law about action and reaction, cause and effect, v. 2.
2.      Hypocrisy is a major sin; God demands sincerity and integrity.
3.      Witnessing the gospel to contemptuous blasphemers cheapens the

        gospel, and also is dangerous to us, v. 6; we must cultivate true spiritual

        discernment as we inspect the fruit of others.

4.      The Golden Rule applies to all people and situations which we encounter.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Avoid a fault-finding, judgmental spirit . . . it is un-Christian.
2.      Remove the "plank" from my own eye by repentance and confession.
3.      Exercise spiritual discernment, even in my witnessing efforts to others.
4.      Always, and in all ways, live by The Golden Rule!

Two Cities With Opposite Responses

(Matthew 8:1-34)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the miracles of Jesus in this chapter

        1.   Jesus healed a leper by reaching out His hand to touch

      this unclean man; He healed the servant of a Roman centurion,

      and commended that Gentile soldier for his great faith, vv. 1-13.

2.      Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law, and when the word got out

        multitudes gathered; He healed all those who came to Him in

        Capernaum, fulfilling Isaiah 53:4, vv. 14-17.

3.      After a brief teaching about the cost of discipleship, Jesus got

        into a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee; when a storm arose, He

        calmed the waves and rebuked the disciples for their lack of

        faith, vv. 18-27.

4.      Jesus healed two demon-possessed men near Gadara, and the

        citizens of that city asked Him to depart because the demons had

        entered into their swine and drowned them, vv. 28-34.

II.  Meditation:  some important soul-searching questions

        1.   Do I really want Jesus actively involved in my life?  My city?

        2.   Have I discovered God's purposes in His miracles for me?

        3.   Do I really believe that God is able, that He wants to, and that He

              indeed will perform miracles in my behalf?

        4.   Which is more important to me . . . money or ministry?

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual lessons seen in this chapter

        1.  Jesus was the same (Hebrews 13:8), but the two cities (Capernaum

             and Gadara) were totally different in their response to His presence

             and power (vv. 16 and 34).

2.      Jesus healed:
(1)     to help hurting people,
(2)     to reveal God's love,
(3)     to illustrate a spiritual truth, and
(4)     to fulfill prophetic Scripture, v. 17.
3.      Jesus can and will operate miraculously only within an atmosphere

        of faith, v. 10. (See Matthew 13:58)

4.      Cities and persons who prioritize economics above the ministering of

        deliverance to suffering citizens forfeit God's presence, v. 34.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Open myself to Jesus' presence; invite Him into my environment.

        2.   Meditate daily to understand God's purposes in dealing with me.

        3.   With vibrant faith, expect that God will supply my every need.

        4.   Prioritize spiritual values above material ones.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life:  IT GOES ON!"

- Robert Frost

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