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Sibling Takes Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Sibling Takes"
As I was dropping my son off at daycare the other day, I overheard some of the children talking about their siblings.
"My brother takes karate lessons," bragged one.
"My sister takes gymnastics," said another.
Not to be outdone, the youngest piped up, "My sister takes antibiotics!"

"Night Prayers"
A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils,
"Now, children, do you all say your prayers at night?"
A little boy answered: "My Mommy says my prayers."
"I see," said the teacher, "and what does your Mother say?"
Replied the little boy: "THANK GOD HE'S IN BED

"A Winner"
In a misguided burst of creativity, I installed a night-light
into a conch shell I found on the beach.  My wife took an
instant dislike to it, and at the next yard sale, it was
the first thing she put out.
I felt vindicated when a woman kept coming back to check it
out and finally bought it.
"That'll look great in your home," I said.
"Oh," she replied.  "It's not for me."  My bridge club is having
a charity sale, and we were asked to bring the most hideous thing
we can find.  What I have here is a winner!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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