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Special Edition Remembrance/Veteran's Day Fiday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

This Remembrance/Veteran's Day and every day,
Don't forget the veterans,
The men and women who fought so bravely
In WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War,
Peacekeeping & now Afghanistan & Iraq
To protect our precious freedom!
"The Bravest Man I Know"
The bravest man I know.
Is a man I've never met.
He's a man who risks his life
To save a friend,
Not only to save a friend,
But to save a nation.
Risking his life
For those he does not know.
Stepping up
Leaving loved ones behind,
So that somewhere,
Someone else won't have to.
He is a man who follows orders
Even though he knows he might die.
The bravest man I know.
Is the man who would rather die,
So one more person could go home
To see his family again.
The man who stares death in the face,
But never blinks.
The bravest man I know.
Is the man who risks his life
So one day the world may be a better place for his children.
Or any man who goes against his biggest fear.
Just to save someone he loves.
The bravest man I know.
Is the man who fights
So another man can have the taste of sweet freedom.
Not fighting only for his own benefit,
But for many others all over the world,
Fighting to make this world a better place.
That's the bravest man I know.
"Because of You, Unknown Soldier"
Because of you, I am here
Because of you, I am able to live freely
Yet I do not know you
And I have not done anything for you
But there you stand, ready to fight
And there you are prepared to die
For me
You've fought before
And you'll fight again
For someone you don't know
So thank you Unknown Soldier
Fighting for me
I'm here because of you
And I owe my future to you
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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