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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Friends, Family, and InPact Prayer Partners:
Please join us in praying for our youngest daughter, Deanna, and the baby she is carrying.  Monday she went to the doctor's for a regular ultra sound at which time the doctors detected the ambiotic fluid to be lower than desired (the very low end of "normal") , and also a possible duct blockage to its bladder.
The doctor has scheduled her to go to St. Louis for a more specialized and thorough ultra sound and analysis this week.
So, as you prayed for our four ladies and their visas, we now ask you to pray for a more serious need ---- the health and welfare of our anticipated grand baby and our daughter.
The baby is due around the third week of June.  Most other vital signs were good ---- 3.5 pounds (a little smaller than desired, but nothing serious), heart rate of 146 bpm, kidneys look fine, all four heart chambers beating regularly.  However, it's currently in Breach position.
The baby's probable name is Nicole Grace ("victorious heart"), so you can mention her by name.  Apparently they must already know the gender.
If you want to write to Deanna (and Jim, Michael, and Joy Lynn) you can at
Thanks for your prayers.  We'll keep everyone posted.
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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