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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Friends, it's nearly midnight here on Tuesday, and we just got an e-mail from our daughter, Deanna, regarding some potential serious areas of concern.
Read Deanna's note below, and continue interceding in their behalf.  We're so grateful for your prayer support.
As a matter of praise, you might like to know we had over 60 people tonight in our Bible study on Genesis.  Bob's been teaching the past three Tuesdays on the devastation of sin and the fall.  Tonight he summarized it all and ended with God's total answer as found in Christ.  Probably 40 or more of the people there are unbelievers.  Pray for salvation of many of them.
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
Subscribe to "Hope4Kyiv" letter
Went to the doctor today for another ultrasound and NST.  On the ultrasound, she was back to not doing any fetal breathing.  She was very active, etc.  She’s right at 4 pounds now which is on the very low end of normal if the July 6 date is correct.  The amniotic fluid was in the low 8’s which is still normal, but on the low end.  The fluid on the brain was fine.
The NEW, urgent concern is that one of the atrium in the heart was possibly slightly enlarged, which could indicate the development of a cardiac problem of some kind. The radiologist here just wasn’t certain.  Because her NST’s are still not as reactive as they should be at this point, (and the other concerns that they originally had at Barnes) they are sending us back to Barnes in  St. Louis tomorrow. (June 2).  If they determine there is a problem developing with the heart, they could go ahead and deliver her down there early and obviously she/we would have to stay down there for some time.  We have to be there by 11:00 tomorrow morning.
So please continue to pray – for our safety while traveling and mostly for God’s continued intervention in Nicole.

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