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The Worrying Doctrine Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Be happy !
Don't worry !
But if you must worry,  here are the rules . . 

"The Worrying Doctrine"
 Write down everything that you want to worry about.
 Pick one hour per week, anytime that you desire, to do nothing but worry about the things on your list.
Note: No other time is acceptable once a predetermined
time is established - should something prevent you from
utilizing that time period for worrying, you must wait
until that period arrives the following week.
Never, under any circumstances, worry before noon
 or after 5 PM, Monday through Friday or before 10 AM
 or after 8 PM on Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays.
 Never, under any circumstances worry while at work, or
while working on work materials or business related items.
 If you insist on worrying, this immediately disqualifies your spouse or any other family member in the same household, from worrying. . . only ONE worrier per household is allowed.
If any other member of the family wishes to assume the
responsibility as the OFFICIAL WORRIER, you may
relinquish the position, but immediately you are disqualified
from future worrying.  In this event, you must adhere to
the above schedule and list all of your worries for the
appointed WORRIER to worry about for you.
 You must never put on your list, or entertain worrying about things over which you have absolutely no control.
 As a WORRIER, upon acceptance and association with any other group, club, association, etc., you must adhere to the above principles and monitor those with whom you associate,
that they do also.
Severe penalties for "Not Worrying Properly"
must be administered.
"Bowl Games"
The holiday bowl games were in full swing, and we had invited some
other football fans over.
One couple brought their active two-year-old son, who began playing
with a dish that was filled with antique buttons.
After a few near disasters, my husband quietly removed the
The next morning I realized the bowl was gone and went upstairs.
"Don, where is the button bowl?" I asked my just-awakening husband. 
"Gee, I don't know for sure," replied my spouse, who prides himself
on knowing the answer to any sports-trivia question.
"I think it's in Florida."
A man was on his way home with a new car, which was absorbing all his attention, when it struck him that he had forgotten something. Twice he stopped, counted his parcels, searched his pockets, but finally decided he had everything with him. Yet the feeling persisted.
When he reached home his daughter ran out, stopped short, and cried, "Daddy, where's Mommy?"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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