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Update 09.04.03

Posted by: edwrather <edwrather@...>

Dear Friends,

On the afternoon of August 27 I was forced to enter the hospital on an emergency basis and have just now returned home from 81/2 days in the hospital. I had a severe infection with a white count over 21,000 possibly caused by Ischemic Colonitis which is lack of blood flow to the colon. The Ischemia was confirmed by pathology from about 20 biopsies. It appeared at first I would need surgery but it now appears that it will be not be needed. As 85% of those with Ischemic Colonitis are able to live without surgery once the acute attack has been addressed. Although if I continue to have problems in the future surgery to remove the damaged area of my colon would become necessary.

Just wanted to let everyone know why there has not been a devotional in so much time and to ask for your prayers as I continue to recover from this illness. Right now at the most I am at about 25% of my previous strength and will not be preaching this Sunday but am thrilled to be home.

Also my Internet service was in the process of being changed at the time that I entered the hospital and so you will be unable to reach me at my old address. Hopefully, next week I will have a new address that will be easy to communicate with. Until then you can reach me at or Of course without DSL the checking and replying to emails in large volumes is difficult but if you write I will eventually respond. Subscribe and unsubscribe requests can only be done at this point through the automated process since my primary address has been bounced.

Thank you for your understanding and for your prayers!!

Ed Wrather