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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends and Family:
Anticipating a letter from Deanna about baby Nicole, we both had a somewhat restless sleep last night.  We are saddened and concerned over the report below, but are also confident in realizing that, as Deanna so clearly describes, such challenges are no big issue with God.
As Bill Gaither's "Through It All", we praise Him for the mountains, but also for the valleys because we know that through it all, we know we can depend on His words of promise to us.
As you continue praying for Deanna and the family, also pray for us that we will know what the two of us need to do.  Our current plans called for us to not return to the States because we are currently scheduled to go to the annual International Baptist Convention's training conference at Interlaken, Switzerland, the first of July.  Since we only have about two weeks of vacation time left, we're not sure if that would be enough time anyhow.  So, we certainly do need God's wisdom.
Thanks for praying.  We're including most of Deanna's letter so you can be both informed of the situation and also encouraged by their confidence in the Lord.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 5:55 AM
Subject: News on Baby Nicole -- 6-2-04

Went back to Barnes in St. Louis today, after the latest ultrasound here in Quincy showed some concerns regarding her heart.
+  First of all, we got there late because of an accident that required all 5 passengers of a single car accident having to be life-flighted to hospitals.  Graciously, a city worker that Jim happened to talk to, escorted us across the median and past the accident (after we had already been stopped for about 45 minutes) so we could get on our way.  We arrived only 15 minutes late.  So, even though we don’t know any names, please pray concerning those 5 people.
+  As for Nicole, the good news is that they measured her to be 7 ounces MORE than what the measurements down here were yesterday.  That puts her in the 12th percentile (based on the July 6th due date) and they consider 10th percentile and up to be “normal”.  The fluid levels in her brain are still fine and though the amniotic fluid is still in the low end of normal (again), it is still normal.  In fact, AFTER they did all those measurements, she actually partially (and noticeably) emptied her bladder, which means the amniotic fluid level went up while we were there.  Everything else was fine on the ultrasound.
+  In looking at the heart concern –  Unfortunately, there is definitely some trouble with her heart.  To spare you some technical terms, here are the basic issues.  A baby in the womb naturally has a hole between the top chambers of the heart (atrium).  It closes in a period of months after birth.  Hers is smaller than normal.  Also, she has a second hole between the bottom chambers (ventricle).  That should not be there.  It is moderate in size (a 6 on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the smallest).  There is also a concern with 3 of the 4 valves.  1 is too narrow and thus not functioning quite properly and the other 2 have extra tissue (deformities) that therefore restrict blood flow. 
Since the baby currently gets its oxygen from the placenta and not from breathing on its own, there was currently no need to deliver the baby early.  However, soon after being delivered, she will have to have immediate testing done to determine better what needs to be done, etc  It is highly likely that soon after birth (anywhere from hours to weeks) she will have to have a procedure similar to an angioplasty done to open up the valve that is too narrow.  The other 2 valve issues and the 2nd hole create a possibility of heart failure if not treated.  The immediate treatment would be medication and at some point in her life, would require surgery to close the hole.
Basically it is all considered a major heart defect, but at the same time should be correctible and/or treatable.   Even though it is not news we wanted to hear, at least now we have some more concrete answers and an actual plan to go by.
We go back to Barnes in 2 weeks for another heart scan as well as a regular ultrasound to check fluid levels, etc.  We WILL have the baby at Barnes in St. Louis so that she can get immediate attention.  Of course, they don’t want me going into labor 3 hours away, so in 2 weeks they will decide when to induce labor to deliver the baby.  It might be at that visit, it might be a week later.  The doctor doubted they would go longer than 3 weeks from now (which puts us at the original June 21 due date).  That would be an important prayer request – that I NOT go into labor early up here.
It’s interesting that since her name means Victorious Heart that she be developing problems with her heart.  Jim suggested we should have named her something associated with less critical anatomy such as Victorious Big Toe.  We believe that is the name God gave us for this child – long before we knew it was a girl and long before there were any detections of problems.  We believe children live up to their names and she is no different.  So we are praying for Victory for her over prognosis, current circumstances, future developments, statistics, etc.  If our God can part the Red Sea, raise the dead, and redeem sinners by His blood – an extra hole and a malfunctioning valves in a heart the size of an acorn are not a problem for Him.  In fact, there is no difference to Him.  It’s never an issue of one being easier or less critical than the other to Him.   God has more than once made holes in hearts disappear.  If He designed one hole in the heart to close after birth, why not 2?  He is after all in the heart-changing business.
We are thankful for the annoying little concerns that began a month ago – because without them, we wouldn’t have known about this more critical issue.    Are we happy and excited about all this – of course not.  Do we know how the logistics of being with one child for an undetermined amount of time in a hospital in a city that far away from our other 2 children is going to work out – No.  Do we know how long, how much, …….etc. – No.  Have we and will we shed some tears on an emotional rollercoaster – Yes.  BUT, Will God be faithful?  Is He Able?  Does He know the answers to all the questions, let alone the outcome? – YES!  Are we praying for a miracle, so that we don’t have to go through the uncertainties and trials after birth – Yes.  Regardless of if He chooses to provide a pre-birth or post-birth miracle and regardless of how He chooses to provide it, we are confident that He is and will be in control and we’re going to trust Him.
Thanks for your continued prayers – please increase them!
Jim and Deanna
Michael, JoyLinn, and Nicole

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