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UPDATE ON JO ANN & other prayer requests

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Well!, . . . . when it rains it pours.
Thank you for continuing to pray for baby Nicole.  We probably won't have much more information on her until after the next doctor's appointment in St. Louis.  However, we've received many notes of encouragement, and have had good reports from some who have encountered similar situations.
Now about Jo Ann:  You've been praying for her and the recurring back and chest pains she's been having.  We were particularly concerned because she usually found relief when she took her blood pressure medicine.
Today she had both an ultrasound and an endioscopy (that it itself was a very interesting experience in a Ukrainian hospital.  I'll probably write about it in next week's "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter.
The report was good in that it had nothing to do with her heart; all is fine there.
She ended up having a duodenal ulcer, which is easily treatable through medicine and diet.  The concern is, however, that she has apparently had a bacterial infection for many years that causes ulcers to develop, and for at least ten years she has had a number of such undetected episodes.  This has resulted in some scarring that, because it's in the very narrow passage of the duodenum instead of in the stomach proper, could create more serious problems in the years ahead.
So, as of today, she's on a serious regimen of high dosage anti-biotics, healing medication, and anti-acid medicines.  Most of it is for two to three weeks, but our local IMB doctor has strongly urged her to go on a lifetime maintenance program in order to allow past damage to be restored and also avoid future damage.
While you're praying, please pray for two pastor friends ---- Gary Taylor and Bill Talley, and their wives.  Both dear friends and pastors in Missouri, each wife is dealing with serious cancer.  Pray for these brothers and their wives ---- Gary and Joyce and Bill and Elaine.  Joyce has been diagnosed with inoperable colon cancer, and they are preparing for hospice care.  Elaine is scheduled to have a kidney removed because of an inoperable tumor.  Both of these men are long time friends, and faithful to the Word of God for many years.  Lift them, their wives, their family, and their churches to the Lord.
Finally, pray for us both as we return tomorrow to the dentist.  We're both having major dental work done.  Believe it or not, our appointments tomorrow run from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm!  That's 3:00 am to 11:00 am CDT time Friday.
So much for comfort food!  Any food, for that matter!
Thanks so much for your continued prayer support.  We know we've thrown a lot of requests at you this past month, but this is indicative of the war we're in.  Prayer is our first line of both defense and offense.  Thanks for being on the line for us.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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