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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Just as we thought the door was completely closed, we got home tonight (Tuesday) from our ESL classes and Bible studies and found an e-mail from the German Embassy in Kiev offering to review the visa requests for our ladies.
The interesting thing is that, in order to make the trip, Wednesday is the only day available since the flight to the conference is on Thursday.
Remembering that we are eight hours ahead of you, we urge you to pray tonight and even into the night if you feel so prompted.  Midnight Tuesday where you are will be 8:00 am Wednesday here.  We have again faxed all documentation to the German Embassy.
Pray that God will soften the hearts of the people in the German Embassy and that the ladies will still be able to go.  Only God can pull this off.
Thanks for praying.
Also, pray for Bob as he meets with the administration of Kiev Christian University to discuss the possibility of his becoming Assistant Academic Dean in charge of developing a brand new practicum intern program for the students.  This is a brand new and totally unexpected open door possibility.  This discussion will determine to a great extent something of our future in Kiev.  If the Germany trip does not take place, Jo Ann will also go with Bob.
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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