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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Here is an urgent prayer request for which we ask your strong intercession:
Today the German Embassy in Kiev denied visas for our four Ukrainian ladies who were going with Jo Ann to a women's conference the 22nd of this month.  No reason was given for the denial.
We will appeal.
Please pray that these ladies can make this once-in-a-lifetime journey to enjoy fellowship with other women from International Baptist Convention churches.
A second urgent request is that God will bless tonight's very first evangelistic ESL class that Jo Ann is conducting in our apartment.  These are all employees of the RelCom internet service provider which we use right below our apartment. 
Through contacts made when we have our ESL materials printed on their copy machines, the management began asking about our classes.  When we told them they were free, we then asked if they'd like to do an informal class with Jo Ann right after work.  So, tonight is the night.  They'll be here in about 30 minutes (6:15) right after they get off work.
Third request is that you pray for the two of us.  We've both gone through more than a week of sickness that has really sapped our strength and energy.  Flu-like symptoms, heavy sinus and bronchial congestion, etc.  Jo Ann is much better, Bob is some, but both of us are very tired.
Fourth request is that you pray for the next "PrayKIEV" prayer network planning meeting at our apartment this Friday at 10:00 a.m.  This is where we'll build the structure and try to put wheels on it.  See below for last meeting report.
Special Praises regarding past plans and requests fill our hearts in spite of the setback above.
1.  The room was packed last night for our first "Business English" class as well over 35 students crammed themselves into a room designed for 20.  J'man Jason Myers and Vika, a young Ukrainian woman, led the class with great response.
2.  Attendance was high again last Sunday in services.  We continue in amazement at how God is blessing.
3.  Our optional adult Bible study group currently studying "How to Study The Bible" had a near all time high of over 50 last night.  Lots of new faces.
4.  The "Excellence in Leadership" evangelistic workshop on principles of leadership and management begins April 21st after many delays.
5.  More than 60 people attended the "PrayKIEV" informational meeting last Friday, representing some 20 ministries and churches.  It looks like this is going to go.
God is good.  We just can't keep up with him.
Thanks for praying.
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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