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Using Outlook Express

Posted by: h70k580 <h70k580@...>

Hi All,

Thought I would share what works well for me, in case this solution would
work for others as well.

I have created a cryptic hotmail account ( )

This account is set up to receive individual churchbass mailings.

In outlook express under tools:accounts you can add hotmail ( and other )

I have an inbox under local folders that my regular SMTP mail goes to,,, etc.

I have another set of folders under that all of my
churchbass email goes to.

I can easily keep track of what messages I have read, regardless if I am
checking them from home, or work. I don't need to set up rules as the
h70k580 account is for churchbass use only.

I have set up my account to postpone, so I can still post
to churchbass from that account.

I love being able to sort by both thread or date. This is how I was set up
before the listserve migration, and after trying rules, etc to keep things
organized, this is the way that I found really works for me.

Note, setting up a cryptic email is essential for hotmail to avoid spam ( I
get none on this account )
