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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Friends and Family:
Here is the latest update we've received here in Kiev Sunday morning.  Because it gives more specifics, we wanted you to know in time that you might be able to print this off and even share these prayer requests with those with whom you will gather today.  If you are able to do so, it would certainly greatly multiply the intercession in baby Nicole's behalf.
In summary, here's what we know at this point:
   +  The holes in her heart are there but are not life threatening at this time.
   +  She is breathing on her own, crying and wetting her diaper (all good signs).
   +  She has had cranial bleeding which has apparently also caused some "shifting" of certain parts of the brain due to swelling.  There is grave danger if she has another one.
   +  The platelet count in her blood is very low, making clotting difficult.
   +  The chromosomal problem relates to Chromosome #18 (apparently around 55%, whatever that means), and is very serious.  If it were 100%, it would almost certainly be fatal within a year.
   +  Still hasn't seen Nicole.
   +  Is recovering well from the c-section delivery.
   +  Goes home from the hospital today after supper.
   +  Will spend the night at home for further rest, and will go to St. Louis Monday morning.
   +  Stuck by himself in an expensive hotel room in St. Louis.
   +  Extremely tired.  Men are generally not particularly good at handling stress if they're separated from their mothers or wives.  (Don't laugh, ladies ---- it's the way God made us so we'd need you and you'd feel "necessary".)
   +  Will probably drive back to LaGrange today to celebrate JoyLinn's birthday  (She'll be a big "FOUR" today).
FBC LaGrange
   +  Attendance will probably be down today ---- not because Jim's away or people are on vacation, but because they're "Being" the church instead of just "Having" it.  Some will be with Deanna in Quincy and others will go down to St. Louis to be with Jim.
   +  Pray for the people there that they will grow as a body along with Jim and Deanna.
Other items:
   +  Pray for JoyLinn and Michael without Mom and Dad.
   +  Pray for Anya and Misha who are down to help with JoyLinn and Michael.
   +  Pray for the church who offered to cover lodging costs to make contact with Jim.  His attempts to reach them have been unsuccessful, and we don't know who it is.  If you do, please contact them for us.
   +  Pray for us here in Kiev.  Current conditions make our future and current plans unclear and tentative at best.
I do hope you can share some of these needs with your church, and that you'll pray with authority in specifics:
   +  That the holes in Nicole's heart will heal naturally.
   +  That the meaning of her name, "Victorious Heart", will become a literal reality.
   +  That there will be no more cranial bleeding, and that swelling will go down.
   +  That, even now, God will correct the chromosomal error in her body, especially #18.
   +  That Jim and Deanna will both be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually renewed day by day.
   +  That the other children will be cooperative and will not be stressed by long absences from their parents.
   +  That Misha and Anya will have continued sensitivity, tenderness, and servant hearts to help in every way possible.
   +  For us that God will give us wisdom and direction concerning what we should do (We're currently scheduled for a two-week conference in Switzerland beginning July 1st).
Thanks for you continued prayer support.  Jim mentioned just how much the phone calls and e-mails have meant to them.  For those of you in the States, here is a phone number that rings directly to the nurses' station in the neo-natal care unit:  800-333-NICU.  If you call, just ask for "Jim" or "Deanna" and they'll get them for you, assuming they are present at the time.
In His Bond,
Bob and Jo ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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