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Where Did I Come From Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Where Did I Come From"
Daddy, where did I come from?" the eight-year-old asked.
It was a moment for which her parents had carefully pre-
pared. They took her into the living room, got out the
encyclopedia and several other books, and explained all
they thought she should know about sexual attraction,
affection, love, and reproductions.
Then they both sat back and smiled contentedly.
"Does that answer your question?" her father asked.
"Not really," the little girl said. "Marcia said she came
from Detroit. I want to know where I came from."
"One Interest"
A daddy teased his little daughter by suggesting she liked a certain boy in her kindergarten class.
The little girl was quite indignant. "No, daddy, I don't like him!" she stated. "He's only interested in one thing." Shocked, the daddy cautiously asked what that one thing might be.
"Power Rangers, of course," said the toddler.
"Medicine only works if it's cherry flavored."
  Elissa, 9
"Good food always comes with a toy."
  Ryan, 6
"Just because your dog drinks from the toilet, doesn't mean you should."
 Juaquim, 7
"Don't dry the dog in the microwave."
  Brittany, 5
"If mommy says no, then you should ask daddy."
  Daniel, 7
"You can't eat soup with a fork."
  Mel, 4
"Don't pick your nose when you're fingerpainting."
 Xiang, 8
"Never ask mom when she's going to go on a diet."
 Bob, 11
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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