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"Which One" Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Which One"
Keith, 8, and I were waiting in a dentist's
office, talking about treatments for his painful tooth.
Entering the room, the dentist asked, "Well, Keith,
which one's the troublemaker?"
Without hesitation Keith replied, "My brother."
"Sunday School Lesson"
A little boy sat through a Sunday School class and learned about the time Jesus went to a wedding and changed the water into wine. "And what did you learn from that story?" asked his mother afterward.
The boy thought for a moment and answered, "If you're having a wedding, make sure Jesus is there!"
"Foot Pill"

A man limped into a hospital to have his foot X-rayed, and was asked to wait for the results.  Some time later an orderly appeared and handed the man a large pill. 
Just then a mother with a small child in need of immediate attention entered.  After the orderly disappeared with the new patient, the man hobbled over to get a glass of water, swallow the pill, and sat down to wait.  Some time later the orderly reappeared carrying a bucket of water. 
"Okay," he said, "Let's drop the pill in this bucket and soak your foot for a while."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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