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Word for Today, Extra: Love Instead of Condemnation

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Extra: Love Instead of Condemnation
Dear friends,

Today's message is from Charles Stanley. This week, we've been
following a theme about God's love for us, and our response to
love God and to love one another. This is a fitting conclusion
to the series.

Yours in Christ,


Weekend, February 14-15
In Touch Daily Devotional

No Condemnation, But Love
ROMANS 8:1-3

How do you view your life-in terms of God's love and approval,
or His judgment and condemnation? When we receive Jesus Christ
as our Savior, Scripture tells us that our sins are forgiven,
God's justice has been satisfied, and we are no longer under
God's condemnation. (Romans 8:1)Yet many of us carry a feeling
of condemnation anyway.

Why do we feel this way?
1. Upbringing. Many of us grew up with criticism and rejection.
We experienced love sporadically and condemnation frequently.
As a result, we are inclined to be negative about ourselves.
We forget that, because of God's love, we have become a new
creation; the old is gone.

2. Unforgiveness. When we have willfully sinned against God,
many of us are unable to accept His forgiveness. We feel
unworthy of being forgiven, so we condemn ourselves. Yet God
speaks words of love to us, His errant children.

3. Criticism. Often criticism from others contains a
condemnation as well. When we assent to the condemnation, we
are accepting someone else's negative assessment and ignoring
the value God places on us. His love remains constant, even
when we make mistakes.

4. Deception. Satan, our Enemy, tries to deceive us into
thinking we are unforgiven. When we believe his lie, we are
rejecting God's loving sacrifice of His Son, who died for all
our sins.

The antidote to the feeling of condemnation is Love. How real is
God's love to you? Spend time today pondering the wonder and
mystery of His love. Then tell Him you accept His love for you.
What a happy Valentine's Day!

To delve deeper into this subject and more, visit the In Touch
Web site:

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