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Word for Today, Fri, 01 Aug 2003: Managing Our Problems

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Have you ever run into a situation where one of your children has
done something that's clearly wrong and it somehow reflects on
you? Or even more direct: have you ever run into a situation
where you've clearly made the wrong choice, and now you have to
deal with it?

Today's message is really more about the second issue, whereas
John MacArthur's message was more about the first issue. But
both issues really deal with us - and how we react to situations
we run into, face to face. How do we react? How do we respond?

Let me tell you with all brutal honesty that I've been on both
sides of issues like this. I've been guilty of doing things that
are clearly wrong, and I've also been in a position of
responsibility in cases where others have clearly been wrong,

To me, the appropriate response is similar in both cases. It's
necessary to recognize wrong, whether we've done it or someone
else has done it, it's necessary to turn away from wrong, and
it's also necessary to forgive one another for the wrongs that we
commit. At no time do I ever suggest that doing wrong is somehow
right, but neither at no time do I ever suggest that treating
others unkindly when we fail is the appropriate thing to do.
Someetimes it's necessary to be brutally direct and confront one
another, but always with the aim to correct and heal, and always
with the kindest, gentlest, most patient approach that still
directly addresses the issue at hand.

I think the back to back messages from John MacArthur and Neil
Anderson provide some good biblical principles that we can
lovingly apply to situations in our own lives and in the lives of
those that we love. Our ultimate aim is to keep our own eyes
firmly fixed on Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and to show
Christ to others in every possible way, yet relying on God,
rather than our own means, as both the Source and the solution.

Your Brother in Christ,


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from Freedom in Christ Ministries

August 1


[An overseer] must be one who manages his own household well,
keeping his children under control with all dignity (1 Timothy

A pastor friend of mind came face-to-face with a parent's worst
fear: His teenage daughter had become pregnant before marriage.
Perry was struggling with prickly questions: Should he resign
his pastorate? Should he encourage an abortion to cover his
embarrassment and save face? Should he put her on the pill to
avoid future problems?

I reminded him, "The primary goal for your life--to be the
father and husband that God wants you to be--has not been
blocked by this unfortunate event. If there was ever a time that
your wife needed a godly, committed husband and your daughter a
loving, supportive father, it's now."

"But, Neil, what about being the pastor God wants me to be?"
Perry argued. "Doesn't this disqualify me from being a pastor?"

I directed him to one of the requirements for an elder in 1
Timothy 3:4, 5: managing his household well and keeping his
children under control. I said, "Even the best managers in the
world have problems; they just know how to manage them. You
didn't instruct your daughter to sleep with her boyfriend. That
was a sinful decision she made. How are you going to manage your
home now for the good of the family? Instructing your daughter
to get an abortion so you can save face is mismanagement.
Kicking her out of the house is mismanagement. But standing by
your daughter, comforting your wife, walking in the light, and
speaking the truth in love is managing your household well."

Spiritual leaders face the same temptations and difficulties
other Christians do; they just face them in a fishbowl and their
struggles are more visible. It's not a lack of problems that
determines the quality of our ministry, but how we handle the
problems we have.

Lord, I want to walk in the light even in problem situations.
Help me face the difficulties of my life and seek Your way of

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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