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Word for Today, Fri, 09 Apr 2004: The Next Targeted Assault

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Fri, 09 Apr 2004: The Next Targeted Assault

Dear friends,

If you don't think Christians are persecuted, even in the United
States, think again. People are constantly under spiritual
attack. They are either attacked directly, when their ministries
are effective, or they are attacked in more devious, subtle
ways. One of the most common attacks upon our families these
days is the spiritual attack upon our children. Don't, for a
moment, think that attack is limited to the children.

I see both obvious and much more subtle, but perhaps even more
devious, ways that the enemy attacks me - right where I have
weakness, too.

Be on your guard. I don't like to frighten people, and I don't
mention this kind of stuff very often, but it needs to be said,
so I'm sharing it with you today.

Aren't you glad that we have a Savior, who provides victory, even
over whatever effects those spiritual attacks may have? The
enemy may appear to win a few battles here and there, but the
real battle BELONGS to the LORD! I celebrate Christ's death,
burial, resurrection, and triumph over both sin and death, and
rejoice that my personal hope is in Him. Do be on guard,
however, for spiritual attacks are real.

Have a great Holiday weekend!

Yours in Christ,


from Freedom in Christ Ministries

April 9


These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your
heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons
(Deuteronomy 6:6, 7).

Christian children and teenagers populating our schools,
attending our churches, and living in our homes are the targets
of Satan's strategy. Many Christian young people hear voices as
if a subconscious self is talking to them. Satan seeks to destroy
our families and churches by seducing our children away from
their parents and from God (1 Timothy 4:1).

Is every evil thought in our mind the "voice" of Satan or a
demon? No, the flesh--that part of our brain that urges us to
operate independently of God and to center our interests on
ourselves--also introduces sinful thoughts and suggests evil
deeds. Furthermore, input from worldly movies, music, books, TV,
etc. also introduces evil ideas into our minds. As we grow in
Christ, we learn to say no to the deeds of the flesh and walk in
the Spirit.

But the world and the flesh are not the only culprits, even
though we tend to place most of the blame on them. The devil and
"spiritual forces of wickedness" (Ephesians 6:12) are shrewdly at
work introducing evil suggestions as thoughts or inner voices.
Just as we learn to deal with worldly and fleshly influences, so
we must learn to distinguish Satan's subtle, personal influence
and resist him, and we must teach our children to do the same.
Whether your child's evil thoughts are coming from the world, the
flesh, or the devil, you need to help him bring "every thought
captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Our children aren't saying much about Satan's seduction in their
lives because most of them don't know that he's at the heart of
it. Satan is the great deceiver. He doesn't march into their
lives accompanied by a brass band. He slyly worms his way in
through the opportunities they and we give him. And since kids
haven't been taught what the Bible says about Satan's strategies,
they blame themselves, and their sense of guilt and fear of
punishment further contributes to their silence.

Father God, raise up a standard of truth to defeat the enemy in
my children's lives, and help me teach them to resist the enemy
This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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