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Word for Today, Fri, 18, Jul 2003: Demonstrating What We Believe

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Earlier this week, Neil Anderson wrote a series of messages about
the truths that can be found in scripture, affirmations of what
we can do and who we can be in Christ,

Today, we turn to something closely related, exercising our
faith, actively demonstrating what we believe.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for giving us the opportunity to demonstrate what we
believe. Not only can that be hard on us, it has been hard on
You - facing our rejection through the ages, then bringing Your
only Son to live among us, only to have Him also rejected and
killed. Even so, through Your Sovereign will, Jesus Christ has
triumphed over all evil, sin, and even the power of death.

For that reason, I can move forward, just as Christ did, and
demonstrate what I believe. I pray that Your patient,
persistent, loving and caring ways will be all the prodding that
I need to stay ever near to You, and even more than that, in the
center of Your Holy will for my life. I pray that my actions
will match what I say I believe, for I do not want to have a
faith that's dead, but one that's alive and vibrant, living for

Your Brother in Christ,


July 18


Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself
(James 2:17).

Faith is an action word. We cannot passively respond to God. You
may have heard the story of the circus performer who strung a
wire over a river and proceeded to ride across it on a unicycle.
When he returned, everyone applauded. Then he asked, "Who
believes I can do that with a man on my shoulders?" Everyone
responded in affirmation. He said, "All right, who will hop on?"
The person who hops on is the person who really believes. Faith
is not just giving credence to something or someone. Faith is
demonstrated reliance upon something or someone.

Faith has the same operating dynamic as agape love. When we
refer to love as a noun, we're talking about character:
patience, kindness, etc. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). When we say
that God is love, we are describing His character. Paul says the
goal of our instruction is love (1 Timothy 1:5); therefore, the
goal of Christian education is character transformation.

When love is used as a verb, it is expressed by action: "For God
so loved the world that He gave . . ." (John 3:16). If we say we
love someone and do nothing on their behalf, it's only
sentimentality and not agape love. True love is expressed by
meeting the needs of others.

Faith has a similar dynamic. When using faith as a noun, we're
talking about what we believe. But if we're talking about faith
as a verb, then it is expressed in the way we live. James says
it like this: "Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being
by itself. But someone may well say, 'You have faith, and I have
works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you
my faith by my works.' You believe that God is one. You do well;
the demons also believe, and shudder" (James 2:17-19).

The devil believes in the existence of Jesus and knows that
God's Word is true. But he doesn't seek to glorify Jesus or to
obey Him. He seeks his own glory, being a rebel at heart (Romans

We demonstrate what we believe by how we live our lives. If we
believe it, we will do it. If we don't, then what we believe is
just wishful thinking.

Lord, help me put feet to my faith every day and not rely on
past accomplishments.

Copyright 2002 - Freedom in Christ - Taken from "Daily in
Christ" by Neil T. Anderson and Joanne Anderson

Brian Masinick,
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