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Word for Today, Fri, 19 Sep 2003: Focus, Dependence on God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, we've been sharing about various aspects of serving
and an attitude of worship and praise in everything we do. We
began the week with discussions about peace, we also discussed
the huge sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on our behalf, we've
discussed our response, in terms of our actions of love, and
we've also discussed our attitude of worship.

As we close this week, Let's maintain a heart of worship, and
examine the peace of God.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in Christ,


+Living Life God's Way+

When you say a situation or a person is hopeless. you are
slamming the door in the face of God.
Charles Allen

I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I
be saved from mine enemies.
2 Samuel 22:4
If we want to overcome difficult circumstances and
experience the beautiful peace of God, we have to remain
focused, realizing our dependence on Him. He is the ultimate
problem solver. He lifts us up, renews our hope, and changes our
attitudes, and hearts, all the while encouraging us to keep
moving forward. When we can't seem to find a solution, if we
will begin to reflect on the good things that God has done,
remembering the answered prayers from the past and the wonderful
things God has done in our lives, our perspective will change.
We can begin to praise Him today, even if we haven't a clue as
to what lies ahead. Praise Him today for what He has already
done, and for what you are expecting tomorrow. Whatever the
problem, He has a solution that will come to pass at just the
right time.

Prayer: I am depending on You to sustain me through all
circumstances. I will not worry and become fearful. I will focus
on what You have done in the past, and Your faithful love and
care for me. You understand my problems more than I, and know
the answer is already well on its way. Surround me with your
peace, and fill my heart with Your joy. I praise your name.
God Today Devotions; 4/29/2003

Brian Masinick,
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