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Word for Today, Fri, 5 Sep 2003: Contentment

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

"Godliness with contentment is great gain." How many of you
agree with that statement? If so, good, because that statement
is part of the Word of God, as the Apostle Paul wrote to his
young pastor and partner, Timothy.

I have to admit to you that I have to struggle with this
principle. In many respects I am content, but in other respects
I am not. I had a successful career for many years which
vanished about two years ago, and now, on a daily basis, I have
to decide if I am still content with God's simple proverb or if
I am looking for something else. To be honest with you, I waver
on this. It's not at all comfortable to be so uncertain about my
family's future and security. I no longer earn a sufficient
income to remain in our home and the property that we've taken
for granted. Each day of each month, I wonder what income source
we'll have to tap, borrow from, or sell off in order to keep a
home and food. So far, it's worked out, but it sure is a tough
way to live, at least by any common measure that most of us are
used to.

But it keeps on forcing me to evaluate these passages, over and
over again. Are they true or not? Are the words just a bunch of
rhetoric, and do I really believe it all?

Well, yes, I do believe it all, and I claim it all, deep in my
soul. However, I also confess that my human flesh battles and
struggles with my mind, each and every day, seeking comfort,
seeking what it's used to, seeking rest... on and on. Any of you
who have ever struggled with financial issues may be able to
relate to what I'm saying.

At the same time, I can also say that when I get really weak in
all of this, I can stop, reset my focus, remember the
faithfulness of my God, and find contentment and peace. Who can
do that in the midst of trials and struggles without Christ? I
urge you to get to know Christ, read His Word, understand His
nature, appreciate Him, then cultivate an intimate, personal
relationship with Him. Without Him, I can't imagine how anyone
could effectively do battle with issues of contentment.

Yours in Christ,

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from Freedom in Christ Ministries

September 5


Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6 NIV)

The world's concept of happiness is getting what we want. All
merchandising is based on this idea. To really be happy, we need
a flashier car, a sexier cologne, or any number of items that
are better, faster or easier to use than what we already have.
We watch the commercials, read the ads, and pursue all the
latest fashions, fads and fancy doodads. We buy into the lie
that we're not really happy until we get what we want.

God's concept of happiness is summed up in the simple proverb:
"Happy is the man who wants what he has." As long as you are
focusing on what you don't have, you'll be unhappy. But when you
begin to appreciate what you already have, you'll begin to
experience the joys of life. Paul wrote to Timothy: "Godliness
with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the
world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food
and clothing, we will be content with that" (1 Timothy 6:6-8

Actually, you already have everything you need to live a joyful
life. You have Christ. You have eternal life. You are loved by a
heavenly Father who has promised to supply all your needs. No
wonder the Bible repeatedly commands us to be thankful (1
Thessalonians 5:18). If you really want to be happy, learn to be
thankful for what you have and not covet what you don't have.

Father, today I want to seek first Your kingdom and Your
righteousness, knowing that You will add to my life all that I

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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