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Word for Today: From Stella With Love

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I have not written any Word for Today messages recently, but I have a wonderful story of the struggles of life and the hope of glory we have in Christ.  The story comes from Ron and Sue Bates, who are missionaries to Romania and friends of Sowing Seeds of Faith, a ministry started by my friend, Larry Davies, who is a pastor of a vibrant church in Virginia.

Feel free to contact Ron and Sue and find out about their work.  I have communicated often with them and they are wonderful servants of our Lord.  They serve under difficult circumstances.  The story of Stella is quite representative of what Ron and Sue encounter on a regular basis in their ministry.

Please pray for the work in Romania.  There are many orphan children there.  The Bates' work is involved with many girls like Stella.  If even a few of them learn of a heavenly home and have the hope that Stella has - either here or in their home to come, that work is well worth every moment.  Please bathe it in prayer.

Yours in Christ,

From: Ron and Sue Bates - INASMUCH []
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 7:54 PM
Subject: From Stella With Love -April 2007


Hello, my name is Stella. I used to live in Romania with some missionaries, but now, I have reached my heavenly home. I'd like to tell you my story. And I'd like to thank all of you who prayed for me and tried to help me to live a longer life.


I was born right on the cold, hard sidewalk in front of a subway entrance in downtown Bucharest. My mother couldn't make it to the hospital in time. My mother was a poor, pitiful street girl. She was on drugs. She huffed inhalants from a plastic bag. It destroys your body, your kidneys, your brain... she took it to numb the cold and hunger. She didn't think about what it would do to me. It injured me, too.


When I was born a lady who worked at the Subway stop ran over and helped my mother deliver me. They called an ambulance. They knew something was wrong because my feet were deformed and I looked strange.


They took me to the hospital, but the hospital didn't want me. My mama didn't have an ID card and they treated her like she was a nobody. They knew something was wrong with me and they knew I wouldn't live and they didn't want that on their hospital records that they had a street child die in their care.


So my mama took me to the Brancoveanu subway where many of her friends live in the underground canals. They kept me two weeks, but they knew something was wrong and I was in serious condition. The street kids tried to take care of me, but it wasn't good living in the underground canals. So, one night they called "Mama Sue" and asked her if she could take me. They didn't tell her what was wrong with me. They only said that there was a baby there whose mama didn't want to keep her in the underground canals. So, she said yes, "she would take me in."


So Mama Sue came and took me to her house. She knew I was weak and had problems from living on the streets. So, she put me in a nice little room with everything I needed. I even had one of the girls come and stay with me night and day. They did everything they could to take care of me.


Then one day, I started crying in pain and got where I couldn't breathe. They rushed me to the hospital. That night, I died. I went to be with Jesus. He was waiting for me. He knew that I could never live a normal life, so he called me home. I am in heaven now waiting for my mama, Mama Sue, and all the girls who helped take care of me.


I have a wonderful life now. I no longer have crippled legs. I'm now at home with the One who gave me life.


From Stella with love.



Ron and Sue Bates, C.P. 53--55, Bucharest 4, Romania
tel: 4021-313-5465 or 4021-351-3224
Web: email:
If you have a high speed connection, you can download our video about the work here in Romania. Or you can write us and we will send you the CD.

--   Brian Masinick