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Word for Today: [Fwd: Daily Devotional for Friday, January 25, 2008]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I am continually suggesting that it is critical to get into the Word of God every day.  The Bible itself says that this builds our faith (Romans 10:17).  Proverbs 3:6 says that seeking the will of God for your life in all we do is essential so that the Lord can direct our path?  How?  Read His Word.  That is the main way that God speaks to us - through His Word.  We see the same blueprint in 1 Kings 2:3.

Do we need any other reasons to justify faithfully reading God's Word.  It is an act of obedience, but it also is one way to demonstrate our love of our Lord.  He is worthy of our attention, and this is a very important aspect of building our personal relationship with Him.  When we have personal friendships, we want to get to know someone to first establish, then build upon that relationship.  God is Spirit, but He is most definitely a person - as He has visibly shown us in Jesus Christ.  Though we have not yet met Jesus in the flesh, we will most certainly meet Him on the Day of Judgment - at the Judgment Seat of Christ for those who have a personal relationship with Him, and at the awful Great White Throne judgment for those who don't.

I certainly want to sit at Jesus' feet and lay whatever crowns I may earn at His feet in His honor.  I want to know Him in every possible way.  The least I can do is faithfully read His Word, obey it, confess my faults when I fall short, and rely on Him as my only true hope.

Is that where you stand, or do you have some other plan?

Brian Masinick

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