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Word for Today, Mon, 03 May 2004: The World's Best Mother!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 03 May 2004: The World's Best Mother!
Dear friends,

Larry Davies wrote a message this week about the world's worst
mother. Of course, he was being sarcastic. His mother
exemplifies just about every attribute I can think of in a great
mother - except for one = she wasn't my mother!

My mother is now in her middle seventies. To this day, she
continues to care about and pray for each of her adult children.
She still checks up on us. She no longer treats us as children.
Rather, she treats each of us as adults, but every now and then,
she offers a mother's advice, lovingly based on years of

My mother has long learned not to attempt to control her grown up
children, yet, at the same time, she has never lost her motherly
instinct of love and care.

Just last night, my mother both encouraged and exhorted me as we
spoke together on the phone. Is that an appropriate role for a
mother? Absolutely, I say yes.

I pray that many of you enjoy the fruits of having good mothers.
However, even if that is not the case, our mothers still deserve
both our respect and our love. Being a mother is not easy, being
a parent is not easy. Many of us are both parents and children.
Remember both roles.

Let's honor our parents each and every day. This week, though,
let's take the time to be particularly appreciative of the
important roles our mothers play in our lives. I sure do, and I
nominate my own mother as the "World's Best Mother"!

Yours in Christ,

Read Proverbs 31 to find out what the Bible says about the
importance of mothers and their role in the home.


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

From: Mary Pace []
Subject: Way to support Christians Persecuted and imprisoned for
their faith!
Hello Larry, I have recently been involved in writing to
Christians persecuted and imprisoned for their faith. This is a
ministry of Voice of the Martyrs. The website makes it so easy
to send prayers and a letter of encouragement. The website
instantly converts the letter to the person's own language. You
then print the letter and address out and mail it to the person
yourself. When you hear these stories, at first it makes you
sad, then you think, well, I can do something, then when you
look at the website you think, I
can do more. I can write and let them know I am praying for
them. It just sounded like a good fit for Sowing Seeds
supporters. Thanks for your support & awesome ministry! In
Christ, Mary -- Quote from the website: The reward for your
endeavor will be what is said by many prisoners "while doing
time for God, we praise Him that we are not forgotten." Even in
the most horrific conditions and suffering there can be dignity.
This is what you will give to a fellow believer in our Lord
Jesus Christ.

"World's Worst Mother Award" Larry Davies

Please forgive me! I should wait to write a story like this,
but I cannot withhold the agony and the embarrassment another
minute. So many young people come to me, whining about the way
they are treated by their parents. "My mother doesn't
understand me! My dad is always after me." I confess to
quietly listen and offer condolences while knowing I have far
bigger burdens to unload.

Your parents cannot possibly be the worst parents in the world.
If an award were given for "World's Worst Mother," the winner
would be... (Can you keep a secret?) MOM! (Now I'm in

Please don't laugh! Every word of what I am about to say is
true and I have evidence. As a struggling seven year old, I
needed a certain toy car to add to my fleet. The collection
would simply not be complete without this particular little
car. I wanted it. I had to have it! When that very car
appeared before my eyes in a department store, I took it. It
was the natural thing to do, but not for my mother.

My mother saw me holding the car and rather than congratulate me
for being sneaky and thrifty, she opened her mouth in horror,
immediately spanked me and then had the audacity to make me
immediately return the car to the store, pay for it and then
apologize to the owner.

Can you believe that I had to endure such cruelty?

The damage to my emotional self-esteem was beyond measure. To
this very day, when I see something I want or need to have in a
store, I feel compelled to pay for it. Oh, the shame of it all.

Wait there is more. Here are the top ten reasons why my Mom
qualifies for World's Worst Mother.

1. For making me eat green vegetables with nearly every meal. I
now enjoy good health.

2. For insisting on the use of a foreign language..."Yes, sir
and Please." I practice good manners.

3. For spanking me when I was out of line. I learned respect
for the law and officials who carry it out.

4. For requiring me to occasionally do chores. I developed good
work habits and a drive to succeed.

5. For yelling, "Clean up your pig-pen for a room." (Oops! I
still have that nasty habit.)

6. For forcing me to take typing in High School. I now have an
enduring practical skill.

7. For nagging me to continue practicing the piano. I
appreciate good music.

8. For encouraging me to read. She inspired a lifelong desire
to learn and grow.

9. For dragging me to church each Sunday. My mother allowed God
to literally change my life.

10. When I wanted to be left alone during a difficult divorce
she persisted in helping to care for me and my children. Now, I
more clearly understand the true meaning of love.

There you have it. The evidence is overwhelming. She
consistently refused to allow me to do whatever I wanted and
because of it, I am eternally grateful. My mother deserves to
be honored as the "Worlds Worst Mother" and I praise God for her
influence on my life and the lives of my children.

Solomon wrote about women like my Mother in Proverbs: "Her
children arise and call her blessed: 'Many women do noble
things, but you surpass them all.' Charm is deceptive, and
beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be
praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works
bring her praise..." (Pro 31:28-31) Have you given an award to
your mother lately?

On this Mothers Day, pay tribute to the one who loved you
through all your triumphs as well as your mistakes and helped to
mold your attitude and philosophy of life. Forgive her
mistakes, celebrate her triumphs and honor her life and memory.
May God bless everyone this special Mother's Day.

Questions to Challenge:

1. How does your Mom qualify for the World's Worst Award?

2. What influence has she had on you and your lifestyle?

3. Was your mom less than ideal? Maybe it's time to forgive her
and even learn from her mistakes.

4. How are you remembering your Mom? If she is alive...take her
to lunch or send her a special card. If she has passed
away...share her memory with a close friend.


>From our own prayer needs site...

I am only 14 years old, and I just found out that my best friend
has been cutting her wrists. Since she has done a few things to
disobey her parents, her parents are keeping her in her house
24-7 and she isn't allowed to go anywhere with friends. She
feels lonely, but she is ashamed of the marks on her arm and how
she has to hide them from everyone. I want her to have more
faith and turn her situation over to the Lord, but whenever I
tell her that God will not lay upon her more than she can
handle, she just says that "this is more than I can handle, I
don't believe that". How can I encourage her to have faith and
trust God, so that she doesn't do anything like commit suicide?
Also, can you please tell me anything that the Bible says about

Name: Missy, Address: Iowa - Email:
Comments: my husband is addicted to cocaine and doesn't realize
he has a problem. Please pray that God will show him what his
life is truly about. Please pray that I am strong enough to
stick by his side. Pray that my kids will be protected from
this lifestyle. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Name: Allan Horton, Address: Lake Placid, NY
Comments: Please I need help to lose weight. I lost my family
and I just want to die, please help me.

As you can see from the prayer requests, we continue to need
your help. You can become one of over 9,000 prayer partners: and/or become a
Sowing Seeds Ministry financial partner: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.


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