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Word for Today, Mon, 08 Sep 2003: Faithful in the Little Things

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

You know my friends, it's not always easy deciding when it's
appropriate to help someone out and when it's best to let a
person work through their own difficulties. We can't fix
everything, nor is it our job to do so. But there are times when
we can, and should, encourage someone else, and maybe even help
them out.

Today's message is one of the first messages I can ever remember
reading from Larry Davies. It may have even been the first
message. I know that I've read it more than once and I also know
that I've shared it with Word for Today readers more than once.
Perhaps the long time readers will remember it as I share it

The message is about demonstrating acts of kindness to others.
I've been on both sides of this story, and I've handled it both
ways, too. I've been a person needing help, I've been a person
who has denied help to someone else, and I've also been one to
help. I can tell you in no uncertain terms that it is extremely
humbling, even embarrassing, to have to rely on others for help,
but I've had to do it, and more than once, too. I've been places
where I could help, and I've failed to be a help. Other times
I've looked at a person in love and tried to determine what the
most loving response would be. It may not always be simply
opening or emptying a pocket, but $7.43 is not going to break too
many of us, and it might just be the critical encouragement that
someone needs, maybe even today.

We don't have to automatically try to fix people's problems,
that's God's work. What we can, and should, do, however, is to
think of what we may need in a similar situation, determine if
there is any encouragement we can provide, let the person know
that we care, and if we're able, do it. The very least we can do
in any situation is to be kind, compassionate, and caring. Just
how DO we BEST shine our lights for Jesus Christ?

Yours in Christ,

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"Seven Dollars and Forty-Three Cents"
by Larry Davies

The checkout at the local grocery store was long and I was in a
hurry. Seeing another line nearly empty, I walked over and stood
behind the only customer still to make a purchase. A young
twenty-something woman was holding a small basket with fifteen
to twenty jars of baby food. There was nothing else in the
basket: just baby food.

"This is great," I thought. "She'll only be a minute and I can
be on my way."

The clerk took the woman's check for seven dollars and
forty-three cents and efficiently typed in the numbers and slid
it into the proper slot on the register. At this point the cash
drawer was supposed to open while a receipt was printed, but not
this time. A light began to blink: "See Manager." The clerk
called on the intercom for the supervisor while running the
check through again on her register. The same sign kept
flashing: "See Manager."

"Oh no!" I thought. "Not another delay. I'm in a hurry and don't
need for the cash register to break down."

When the supervisor arrived, however, he didn't even look at the
cash register, but instead picked up the check and began to talk
to the customer. I could feel the muscles in my stomach tighten
as the reality of what was happening struck me.

The check for seven dollars and forty-three cents was no good
and the manager was quietly saying she could not buy her baby
food here. The clerk quickly set the groceries aside, closed her
account and began to ring up my purchase.

"She should manage her money better!" I tried to convince myself
while leaving the store. "She's probably an alcoholic or a drug
addict." But my flimsy excuses would not erase the picture in my
mind of a grocery basket filled with jars of baby food.

Jesus teaches: "You are the light of the world...we don't light
a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead we put it on a stand and
it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let
your light shine so they may see your good deeds and praise your
Father in heaven." (Mat. 5:14-16)

Every day, you and I receive opportunities to help someone in
need. Our light shines when we use those God-given opportunities
to witness our faith by reaching out and getting involved. There
is nothing dramatic about these day-to-day encounters, but they
emphatically tell the world what kind of Christians we really

At this point, I want to finish the story by writing how I
approached the manager and offered to pay for the purchase of
the baby food. It was the right thing to do. I don't have much
money, but I can afford seven dollars and forty-three cents.
Instead, hiding my light under a bowl, I turned my head and
walked away. There are no acceptable excuses. I had a great
opportunity to help someone and walked away.

Next time, I will do better. God has taught me a valuable lesson
today. What we believe as Christians only works if we turn our
faith into action. How about you? How many opportunities have
you missed to let your light shine and instead hid it under a

The next time you are in a check-out line at your local grocery
store. Instead of worrying about your schedule, look around you.
Maybe God will give you the opportunity to help someone who
needs seven dollars and forty-three cents to buy some baby food.
Please, in the name of God, let your light shine and give them a
helping hand.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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