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Word for Today, Mon, 09 Feb 2004: Created to Be Lovers

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 09 Feb 2004: Created to Be Lovers
Dear friends,

Our present day culture talks a great deal about "Love". We're
continually bombarded with images of various images in all forms
of media, suggesting expressions of what love is. These
expressions, however, are frequently badly distorted, and at
times, downright perverted.

Nevertheless, it is true that we are created to be lovers. God
has a plan for us - each one of us. It includes love in deep,
meaningful ways. Both Old and New Testament scriptures remind us
that the most important reason we exist is to deeply and
completely love God, as He so deeply loves us. We're also
reminded that we are to love one another, as God has loved us.

Today's message from Charles Stanley clearly articulates the
difference between love that has been distorted by sin and pure,
genuine love as it was intended from the beginning of time.
There is no doubt about it, we are deeply loved, and we were
created to be lovers.

Yours in Christ,


Monday, February 9
In Touch Daily Devotional

Created to Be Lovers
LUKE 10:25-28

The expression, "Love is in the air" seems to describe our
culture as Valentine's Day approaches. We buy cards, purchase
gifts, and plan romantic outings with our loved one in mind. God
Himself places a high value on love (1 Corinthians 13:13) and
delights to express His wonderful love to us. In fact, He
declares that love is to be central in every Christian's life.

However, much of the time we don't feel loved, do we? Sin has
spoiled our capacity to understand God's love, to receive His
love, and to love Him in return. But our Savior Jesus has
remedied this problem. Since He liberated us from the power of
sin and gave us a new nature, we are now able to understand God's
love for us. His is an unconditional love-it doesn't make any
difference who we are, where we've been, or what mistakes we've
made. What matters to God is that we belong to Him. His love
for us is also absolute-it never wavers or varies, and it knows
no limitations. It always seeks our best, helping us to grow
into Jesus' likeness. Even when God disciplines us, He does so
as a loving Father.

Understanding how much we are loved and accepting God's love for
us frees us to live life God's way: by loving Him with all our
heart, soul, mind, and strength and also to love our neighbors.
We are created to be lovers of God and others.

Dear child of God, won't you receive God's outpouring of love for
you today?

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