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Word for Today, Mon, 15 Dec 2003: Appreciating Christmas and Teachers

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Larry Davies writes about the joy of Christmas parties and
teachers. This year, I've been working as a program assistant
in the elementary school system in the city where I live, so
perhaps this message touches closer to me than to others, but
it may be appropriate to remind some of us who get discouraged to
find joy in all circumstances. That can be really tough to do
when we are struggling, so this message is offered to all of you
as an encouragement.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

I wrote this particular column as a tribute to my wife Mell and
her extraordinary dedication as an elementary school teacher. I
also wrote it to encourage an atmosphere of joy and laughter as
we get ready for Christmas.

As we approach Christ's birthday, I offer prayers for those
involved in conflicts around the world. I pray for peace only
God can give. I pray for courage to be a witness for Jesus
wherever I go. I pray for a love and understanding before
judgment and condemnation. I pray for joy in the midst of
hardship. I pray to be a light shining in the darkness. May God
give the true spirit of Christmas.

"Christmas Parties, Teachers and Joy" Larry Davies

As a pastor, I am required (required?) to attend a lot of
Christmas parties. (Hey, stop groaning. Somebody has to do it!)
I certainly have no complaints since the food is great and the
people are pleasant but there are parties... and there are
parties. Several years ago I attended a Christmas party for
teachers at an elementary school where my wife, Mell used to
work. I just want to make one little comment about the teachers
at that school.

They really know how to throw a party!

They were giving away silly gifts and singing Christmas carols.
Then we were split into small groups to see who could decorate
the best Christmas tree. That doesn't sound so wild, does it?
Did I tell you the actual tree was a person selected from our
group? One poor teacher had garland wrapped around her body and
tinsel hanging everywhere. An angel was perched on her head and
three candy canes were sticking out of her mouth while two more
were hanging from her glasses. Please pause a moment and try to
picture this in your mind.

I had no idea school teachers could be so much fun?

I say this because schoolteachers have always intimidated me...
something about grades, stern looks and being sent to the
principal. (or is it principle? What did my English teacher say?
I will never be a principal because I have no principles?
Whatever!) To this day, I cringe upon seeing red pens. Every
teacher uses them. Red means you've done something wrong on your
paper and is usually followed by an X or F, which always
means... bad grade for a bad boy!

After marrying a teacher and being around her colleagues I've
discovered teachers are actually normal human beings. (What a
surprise!) Most are extremely dedicated to their profession and
work hard at being good role models for their class. After a
hard few months of trying to teach and keep control of twenty to
thirty screaming children, it is understandable if they need to

When the timing and the occasions are right these teachers know
how to have fun.

Isn't this the way it should be... for teachers, preachers and
all of us?

Paul sent this reminder to one of his churches. "Whatever
happens, dear friends, may the Lord give you joy. I never get
tired of telling you this. I am doing this for your own good."
(Phil 3:1)

People who believe in God have a serious task to do. We have
been called to witness to the ends of the earth. One part of our
witness needs to include an ability to give joy. In other words,
we stern, stuffy Christians need to laugh, not just
occasionally, but often and enthusiastically.

Laughter has a way of lightening the load and reducing tension.
Laughter increases the production of endorphins, the body's
natural painkillers. Humor can also be an excellent way to break
down barriers. A willingness to laugh at yourself often allows
others the chance to feel comfortable around you, which
invariably leads to more opportunities to be a witness for God.

"You're 76 years old!" A little girl said to her grandma after
reading her driver's license.

"That's exactly right!" said the proud grandma.

"You also made an F in sex!"

Oops! There are those grades again! Now, try to tell me you
don't feel just a little better!

May God bless you throughout the Christmas season and may 2004
be your best year ever!

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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