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Word for Today, Mon, 27 Oct 2003: Chosen by God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I pray that each of you have had a good weekend, and that your
life is being shaped by God's purpose for your life.

If you're serious about leading a life that's filled with meaning
and purpose, I encourage you to read and think about today's

Yours in Christ,

Chosen by God
John 15:16

The idea that God chose us for eternal life is hard to
understand. On one hand, we know from John 15:16 that this is
true, and we are encouraged by that knowledge. On the other
hand, we have a hard time grasping why the God of the universe,
who is over all things and has so many important tasks to
perform, would bother to choose us for any good purpose. How
wonderful it is to know that Jesus took the first step. He
loved us so much that He died on the cross for our sins. He now
invites us to accept His offer of salvation and to live with Him
forever. If we say yes to eternal life, we will be able to bear
spiritual fruit for God. The question is this: Are you read to
accept the Lord's offer of eternal life? And are you also
willing to serve Him faithfully? By answering yes to both of
these questions, you are on the road to an abundant spiritual
life with God. Jesus will enable you to produce fruit that will
last forever. This is His will for you. So accept it and get

"Taken from God's Man (c) 2000 by Don M. Aycock. Published by
Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI. Used by permission of
the publisher. All rights reserved."

Brian Masinick,
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