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Word for Today, Mon, 29 December 2003: Breaking Through Walls

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

In his unique and often entertaining, yet humble, style, Larry
Davies presents to us another from his Sowing Seeds of Faith
devotional series. This one is a repeat, he's shared it before.
(We've been online friends for quite a while now - since 1998, so
I know many of Larry's stories well. This one bears repeating).

I don't know about you, but for me, this message is a reminder of
just how important it is to continually (and consciously) rely on
God for everything. Too many times I find myself trying to ram
through walls and work things out on my own. Clearly that's not
the way God designed this life. He wants to be involved in every
aspect of every life. Only God can do that.

Will you join me (and hopefully Larry) 🙂 in deliberately not
trying to walk through walls, whether physical walls, emotional
walls, or spiritual walls? Let's resolve to call upon God
instead. If we forget, every now and then, our God is gracious,
able and willing to forgive us. But just once, wouldn't it be
nice to be SO loving and appreciative of Him that we will
remember without yet another painful reminder?

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

As we close out 2003 and begin 2004 I share a true story that
happened several years ago. I still chuckle thinking about it.
Following the letters don't miss -- "Honest: The Wall Knocked Me
Down!" Sowing Seeds Ministry wishes you a 2004 filled with the
presence of God.

From: []
I just wanted to take a moment to thank God and you for all the
wonderful devotions sent out this year. I know I am not alone in
saying how many times you have touched my heart as I have read
some of the things you have sent out. There are countless souls
you have touched in the kingdom of God. Also, it has been a
blessing to pray for those in need this year, within the outreach
of your ministry and I appreciate the prayers of others when I
was in need of prayer.

My family has been blessed with a great local church and a
wonderful Pastor here in Texas. We have started local "adopt a
block" program. God is doing a wonderful thing through it all. In
fact, He has shut 3 out of 6 local bars down and saved many in
the community through the Love of Christ. The Lord saving so many
souls, we've just recently finished an extension to our church!
Glory to God!

It is my prayer that our Lord and Savior be as real to you and
your family this season and in the years to come! I pray He
touches you with His peace, joy and love. May He keep you in good
health and prosperity as He sees fit throughout the coming years.


I want to share a praise with you and the world. I requested
prayer a few months for my wife Cathy. She has had cancer 3 times
over the past 20 yrs. Breast cancer for the past 4 yrs. She went
for a ct scan this week and the doctor told her they show no
signs of cancer. PRAISE THE LORD! That Christmas present won't be

"Honest: The Wall Knocked Me Down!"
Larry Davies

"We need three strong volunteers," I said to the congregation for
our Sunday children's message. Hesitantly, (I have a reputation
for embarrassing folks.) three men came forward. I lined them up
side by side and announced: "You are to be a wall. No matter what
I say or do, you must not let me through. Do you understand?" At
this point they gave me suspicious looks but nodded in agreement.

So with a theatrical flourish, I waved my hand toward the three
men and announced: "Children, pretend these men are a wall. I am
about to walk right through that wall. Do you know why? Because I
am a positive thinker and fill my mind regularly with happy
thoughts. Do you believe I can do it?"

Several children grinned and nodded their heads while a few shook
their heads vigorously from side to side. However, the three men
had a different look: serious. They were not going to let me
through. With a happy smile on my face, I confidently strode
toward the wall and bounced backwards like rubber ball. The
children were laughing and even the men forming the wall were
starting to grin.

"What happened?" I asked. "What did I do wrong? I was thinking
happy thoughts?" Several kids started shouting directions. "Hit
the wall with your fist. Go under their legs." Finally, one of
the boys said, "Go way back and run into the wall as fast as you

"You're right!" I answered. "That's exactly what I need to do!
Keep thinking happy thoughts, then I step way back, run fast and
crash right through that old wall. After all, with determination
and a positive attitude we can do anything... right?!" The kids
began shouting and laughing but the men looked grim.

While running toward the wall, I assumed everyone knew this was
only a children's lesson. I had no intention of crashing through
the three men who made up that wall. At the last second, I would
pretend to bounce off the wall and go on with the story.
Unfortunately, one of the men didn't get the point.

The center "wall guy" who must have played linebacker on his
school football team put arms to chest in his best blocking
stance and let me have it, so to speak. All I remember is the
sensation of flying through the air backwards before crashing to
the floor. For several long moments there was an eerie silence as
four hundred people collectively held their breath, wondering if
their pastor was still alive?

The story was supposed to illustrate our need for God.
Determination and a positive attitude are wonderful attributes
but will only take you so far. In the end, you find yourself up
against a wall with nowhere to go. This was supposed to be a
lesson on putting our faith in God's willingness and ability to
show us another way through, over or around any wall or obstacle,
no matter how big or small.

+ Follow God's example in everything you do because you are his
dear children. (Eph. 5:1) + "...continue to build your lives on
the foundation of your holy faith. And continue to pray as you
are directed by the Holy Spirit." Jude 2:20 + "I will ask the
Father and he will give you another Counselor, who will never
leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth." John

I only expected to encounter a wall... not smashed in mid-flight.
Walls don't do that. Do they? We expect a few obstacles in our
lives but it's the full-blown tragedies that hit us by surprise
and fling us to the ground. Determination and positive attitude
can't help us here... we need something more.

Could this be God's unexpected lesson of the story? As I lay on
the ground with the wind knocked out, checking to see if the body
parts were still attached, I knew what needed to be done. No one
wanted me hurt, especially the man who hit me. Everyone was
holding their breath, praying and waiting.

I prayed for strength, slowly stood up, looked at the man who hit
me, shook my head and smiled. Four hundred people erupted in
laughter and applause. It was not the lesson, I intended but it
may be the best lesson of all. When life knocks you down,
remember God will answer your prayers and give you the strength
to stand up and smile. It may not get you through the wall but it
could get you through life.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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