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Word for Today - reading systematically through the Bible

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I have long advocated daily Bible reading.  This year, my pastor has decided to recommend to the entire church body that each one of us systematically read through the Bible this year.  My pastor chose to use Sound the Word as a church theme for 2008 and to use as a mechanism for helping us with a specific system.  The page specifically has a way to read two or three chapters of the Old Testament each day and a similar number from either the New Testament or the Psalms.  We are three days into it.  I am keeping up so far, and I fully intend to follow it throughout the year.

This is not the only way to read through the Bible, but it is one way to do so.  Daily Way also sells calendars with check off boxes for the scriptures for each day.  Our church invested in them for each member.

What you choose to do is between you and God, but here is one way you can really be encouraged to read through the Bible and also to read every single day.  If you miss, you know where to catch up.  Depending on how fast you read it may take anywhere from fifteen minutes to a half hour to read each day's passages.  I read the Genesis passages for today this morning and I am reading the Gospel of John this evening.

I keep harping on Bible reading because the Bible itself says that "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God".  If that is so (and of course it IS) then reading the Bible is one solid, proven way to build your faith.  It also helps build up Godly knowledge, not just earthly puffed up wisdom.

I don't know about you, but even though I know how to get around my Bible quite well, it has been a while since I systematically went through the entire Bible.  Too long, so I am elated about this opportunity to really dig in strongly and consistently.  It takes time and commitment.  Who and what are more worthy of such a commitment than God and His Word?

Yours in Christ,