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Word for Today, Sat, 01 Nov 2003: Take Jesus at His Word

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

A writer whom I've often respected in the past is Max Lucado,
Curiously, I haven't previously downloaded or copied any of his
online materials, but I have read a few of his books, and I've
also heard his work frequently quoted by people of faith.
Another person whose writing I appreciate, but I've not shared
often is Charles Swindoll. Perhaps I'll get a chance to share
at least one of his works some time soon.

In any case, one of the people I regularly pray with and for sent
me an excerpt of one of Max's messages, so I looked for his Web
site, and sure enough, it was there,,
so I'd like to share his thoughts with you today.

Today is called "All Saints Day" in some Christian circles. It
is a day in which we remember people of faith from around the
world, throughout history. The true saints of God are the people
who believe and trust in Jesus Christ, not only as Lord and
Savior, but as their only hope. If that describes you, then you
are personally a part of this group. If that does not describe
you, it can, if you confess that you are really lost without
Christ and reliant on Him for life, for fullness of life, for
forgiveness of sins, and you crave someone who loves and accepts
you, just the way you are. I can't imagine being without Christ,
for He is the only One and the only thing that brings hope when
hope is gone, He is the only One who ALWAYS loves, ALWAYS
forgives, ALWAYS is there. Some people may come close, but
Jesus, the very man of God Himself, completes all that I find
lacking - in myself and in others, even those I deeply love.

Yours in Christ,

November 1, 2003

In all these things we have fall victory through God who showed
his love for us. ROMANS 8:37

Take Jesus at His Word When it comes to healing our spiritual
condition, we don't have a chance. We might as well be told to
pole-vault the moon. We don't have what it takes to be healed.
Our only hope is that God will do for us what he did for the man
at Bethesda--that he will step out of the temple and step into
our ward of hurt and helplessness.

Which is exactly what he has done ....

I wish we would take Jesus at his word ....

When he says we're forgiven, let's unload the guilt.

When he says we're valuable, let's believe him ....

When he says we're provided for, let's stop worrying.

God's efforts are strongest when our efforts are useless.

Brian Masinick,
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