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Word for Today, Thu, 04 Mar 2004: Lasting Peace

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 04 Mar 2004: Lasting Peace

Dear friends,

Today's message is from Neil Anderson's Daily In Christ
devotional message series. The scripture passage Neil uses is
part of a longer passage in Philippians that was probably written
at a time when the apostle Paul was imprisoned. That makes the
words, in my own mind, all that much more powerful, for they were
written and inspired by God at a time of extreme persecution.
Anything said or written, then, becomes much more than mere

This is the same section of scripture that the apostle Paul
writes that tells us to rejoice always. Does that include when
we've lost our job, when our marriage is crumbling, when we're in
jail, (or any number of other scenarios)? Definitely, yes. Can
we actually experience peace during such times? Again, the
answer is definitely yes, but it does come with absolute
guidelines and principles.

In order to experience a lasting peace, no matter what, we have
to be looking at a target different than what's in front of us at
any given moment. We have to consider our condition, the fact
that we've sinned and fallen short, yet that God hasn't dumped us
at all, but that He loves us and that He's redeemed us. That
ought to help us get at least a glimpse of what's up, but there's
a whole lot more.

Neil addresses lasting peace in his latest series of messages.
You can catch up on what he's been writing about any time by
checking out his Web site.

Yours in Christ,


from Freedom in Christ Ministries

March 4


The peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

Christians have frequently relied upon a sense of peace as
evidence of the Holy Spirit's leading. It is common to hear
people say, "I just don't have a peace about it." I think that
is legitimate. I would be concerned about the person who
proceeds when his spirit is disturbed. God doesn't lead through
anxiety. We are to cast our anxiety upon Jesus, because He cares
for us (1 Peter 5:7).

Still, a lot of money is spent on the temporary "cure" of
anxiety. P eople consume alcohol, take illegal drugs, turn to
the refrigerator, have sex, mindlessly repeat mantras, and
escape to cabins, boats and motor homes--all to reduce their
anxiety. One lady said, "Whenever I feel anxious, I go on a
shopping spree!" Prescription drugs are regularly dispensed for
the ails brought on by anxiety.

The bartender, drug pushers, occult practitioner, and other
peddlers of escapism all have one thing in common: They really
don't care about the consumer. They are out to make a profit.
Even worse, when the temporary "cure" wears off, we have to
return to the same world with the added problem of hangovers and
other negative consequences of fake healers.

Internally, we desperately need the peace of God: "Be anxious
for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the
peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6,
7). The awareness of a troubled spirit should drive us to find
the peace of God by turning to Him and assuming our
responsibility to use our minds.

Thank You, Lord, for breaking through so many of my old anxieties
and setting me free. I ask You to free me from those that remain.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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