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Word for Today, Thu, 05 Feb 2004: Weekly Verses

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 05 Feb 2004: Weekly Verses
Dear friends,

Here are a collection of the Weekly Verses, thoughts, and prayers
from this week's edition of Phil Ware's collection, which is also
available in a daily version. I pray that it will supplement your
own regular devotions or at least encourage you to cultivate your
own daily regimen of scripture reading, personal reflection, and

Yours in Christ,


Weekly Verses

February 2, 2004

These verses are taken from Heartlight Daily Verse, by Phil Ware


I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my
--Psalm 40:8
New International Version

Too many of us are paranoid about the word law and find it
hard to hear a scripture like this. But we must recognize that
the goal of the New Covenant of grace and Spirit is that God's
law is written on our hearts, not on tablets of stone.
Jeremiah prophesied of such a day. The focus, desiring to do
God's will -- a passion to love the things our Father loves and
despise the things he despises.

Abba Father, I do want to do your will. I want to please
you, glorify you, and lead others to you. Give me spiritual
discernment to know your will and spiritual courage to do it
today. I want your character and righteousness to inform my
heart when I am tempted not to live for you. Gently humble me
when I am wrong or have lost my way. Through Jesus I pray.


Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the
law of Christ.

--Galatians 6:2
New International Version

I feel so burdened myself, that sometimes I can't even see
others' burdens. But Jesus reminds me that if I am to be like
him, I will be a burden carrier. This is why he came, why he
died, and why his resurrection is so important -- to lift from
us the burdens of sin, death, and depravity.

Compassionate Father, help me to see and respond to the
burdens in other lives around me. I want to be a blessing to
the broken and discouraged, so please help me find my place and
my way of serving to your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.


A man finds joy in giving an apt reply -- and how good is a
timely word!

--Proverbs 15:23
New International Version

Knowing the right word at the right time is a great gift.
But even the best of speakers has to admit that the best of his
or her words are not nearly as good as those the Spirit gives.
Nevertheless, we must not excuse ourselves of insensitive
speech, unkindness, or even missed opportunities because we
were not paying attention to what was said, were not
spiritually in tune with the needs of our companions, or simply
did not know Scripture well enough to bless others with
gracious speech at the appropriate time.

Loving Shepherd, I will spend much of my time today with
people. Some of them know you, but most do not. Please give
me wisdom to say things that lead people closer to you. Give
me words of help and hope for the broken. Give me words of
tenderness for the fainting. Give me words of direction for
the confused. Father, I pray that whatever words I say today
may reflect your will and be led by your purposes. In Jesus
name I pray. Amen.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge
of the Holy One is understanding.

--Proverbs 9:10
New International Version

We pursue so many things, but only one pursuit brings
wisdom. Paul reminded the Athenians that God made us to seek
after him and find him (Acts 17). The wisdom of Proverbs keeps
leading us back to "knowing God" and having a deep and
reverential awe toward him as the source of wisdom.
Understanding of priorities, needs, purposes, goals, problems,
and issues can occur only when we first recognize who the Lord
is and know him in our day-to-day lives.

Holy, Majestic, Righteous, and Eternal God. I confess that
I know you so much less than you know me. But your
faithfulness in my life, your power displayed in history, your
grace shared with so many through the cross of Christ, and your
promise to bring me home to you one day sustain me. I want to
know you so that my life can be lost in your will. Not for my
glory or gain, but for your praise, I ask that you make
yourself known to me in the things I do today. Through Jesus I
ask it. Amen.


Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving
thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

--Ephesians 5:19-20
New International Version

Hearts full of thanks -- that's what makes for good singing!
With Jesus as the source of our salvation and center of our
future, how can we not sing! But singing is not just for us
and God. God wants our songs to bless others. It is our
ultimate spiritual talk.

O Lord, my God, you are Awesome and wondrous. Your works
are magnificent and your deeds are beyond comprehension. May
the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart ever declare
your praises. May my heart be filled with thanksgiving for all
that you have done to save us from sin, shame, law, and death.
You alone are worthy of my praise, my songs, and my life.
Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that
the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

--2 Timothy 3:16-17
New International Version

God wants us to be prepared to do good works. Thankfully he
gave us the Scriptures. Today we have the Bible translated
into many different languages, dialects, and versions. Rather
than a threat, this is a great blessing. But we must remember
that the goal of Scripture is not to be learned but to be
lived. God intended his Word to be practical truth -- a gift
that prepares us to do every good work.

Holy God, it still amazes me that you chose to speak to us,
your finite creatures, in our own words. May I never take for
granted the great gift of being able to read your Word and
learn your Truth. But Father, please give me the character and
the courage to put it into practical use and let it train me to
do your will. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any
double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and
spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes
of the heart.
--Hebrews 4:12
New International Version

How often do you let God do major surgery on your spirit as
his Spirit uses the Word to encourage, judge, motivate,
convict, instruct, and inspire? With such a great tool so
readily at hand for most of us, let's not let a day go by that
we don't let God use his word on hearts.

Almighty God, your will is my heart's desire. But I realize
that I need to be fed more consistently by your Word revealed
in Scripture. Give me strength and consistency in my walk with
you through your Word. Through your Spirit, inspire me to
change what needs to be changed and to be blessed and
encouraged in the areas that I need it most. I turn to you and
trust in your Word to point me in the way of life. Through
Jesus I pray. Amen.

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