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Word for Today, Thu, 11 Sep 2003: Changing our Practices

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This message really puts into words well what I personally believe
about my Christian faith. If there's anything that exposes an area
that bothers me, it's the topic of Christian practices. I believe
that there are a great number of people who merely follow some
practices of Christianity rather than personally identifying with the
person who made both the name and the faith itself, Jesus Christ. I'm
both sympathetic and empathetic to those whose experiences have gotten
in the way of developing and cultivating a real faith, but at times, I
get bothered by those who make a big issue out of form rather than

I have to check myself on this very issue every now and then, lest I
find that either changing or not changing my worship form in some way
actually becomes my worship, rather than correctly focusing on Jesus
Christ Himself, loving Him and what He's done for us, and living for

Of course, Jesus directly addresses this issue as recorded in the
Gospel (we can read one account of such discussions in the Sermon on
the Mount, read the Gospel of Matthew, chapters five through seven).
The message from Neil Anderson highlights some points from Christ's
sermon and prays for practicing faith based on God's Word.

How DO we BEST shine our lights for Jesus Christ?

Yours in Christ,


from Freedom in Christ Ministries

September 11


When you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition, as the
Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their
many words (Matthew 6:7).

Jesus taught that Christian practices should be consistent with
the inward condition of the heart. Holding to external practices
which no longer correlate with the heart is repugnant to God.
Jesus railed against praying in vain repetitions and putting on a
gloomy face while fasting. Consistency cries for an affirmative
answer to the question, "Is it real?" The Christian community
searches for truth while the world searches for reality. These
are large, overlapping circles, but I'm convinced that we must be
real in order to be right. Change is most needed when Christians
sit stoically week after week reciting endless creeds in utter

Tragically, those who are coming to a church simply to fulfill a
religious obligation are the most resistant to change. They have
resisted the need to change under the instruction of the Word and
are in a state of carnality. They are not coming to the
changeless Christ and saying, "Change me so I may be like You."
Time-honored faith and long-established practices often become
intertwined in their thinking. When you advocate a different
practice, they think you are tinkering with their faith!

Paradoxically, the ones who have a real Christian experience are
the ones who are free to change their Christian practices. They
are committed to the substance of their faith, not the form. Form
always follows function, but people have a tendency to fixate on
the form.

Organizational renewal will not bring spiritual renewal. When the
spiritual tide is out, every little tadpole wants his own little
tide pool to swim in. When the spiritual tide is in, the fish
swim in one big ocean where someone is synchronizing every move.
When the Holy Spirit is leading, almost any organization will
work. But when He isn't, it doesn't matter how good the program
and organization is, it won't work.

Lord, I will not rest my faith on my Christian practice, but I
will base my faith and practice on the truth of Your Word.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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