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Word for Today, Thu, 16 Oct 2003: Let's Judge Ourselves First, OK?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is another resource that I added recently to my arsenal of
Email devotionals and Christian mailing list resources. This
message hits close to my heart. I've found in my local church
and other places a tendency for people to be critical of one
another, and in so doing, pour cold water on what might otherwise
be an outstanding ministry. I don't condemn, hate, despise, or
otherwise want to give up on either my own local church or the
church as an entity, but I do fervently pray (beginning with
myself) for each of us to carefully consider how we treat one
another, to be very slow to judge, quick to forgive, and even
those times when we do judge, that we apply the very same
standard to ourselves.

My friends, more churches are broken apart and local church
families around the world are probably affected more by
individuals and entire bodies failing to heed the first two (and
in my opinion) most important commandments of all. In Matthew
7:1, in the middle of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus warns
people not to judge one another, so that we, in turn, will not be
judged. He goes on to say that by whatever means or standard we
judge others, that is the manner in which we will be judged

Just think of the many times in which we've thought this or that
about a person or a place. Unless you're very unusual, chances
are strong that you've done such things. I confess that I have.
I check myself often on such matters.

The real principle, which Jesus also lays out in His sermon, but
then later comes back to it (and spells it out briefly,
concisely, and with reference to Old Testament scripture), is the
principle to seek God first in every way, deeply loving and
embracing God. Then we begin to take on the nature and character
of God (the apostle Paul describes this wonderfully in
Philippians 2:1-11). Jesus clearly tells us (as recorded in Mark
12 and Matthew 22) that we are to love the Lord our God more than
anything else, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

It seems to me that when we are critical and judgmental of
others, we are exhibiting something other than the love of
Christ. We must judge, but we must apply standards of judgment
first to ourselves. When we find out how dirty our own souls
really are, we'll be a lot cleaner when we confess to God how
unclean we've really been, ask God to cleanse us, then ask Him to
act in love toward others.

There is room for correcting others, but far too often, we are so
sure we are right, when in reality, we are the ones with a

I challenge each of you to quietly and personally examine
yourself, and the next time you contemplate correcting someone
else, make sure you have your own heart right first. I certainly
challenge myself on this very point often, for I know that God
has plenty of work to do deep in my soul.

Precious Lord, please help each of us to cling to You, confess
and repent of judgmental attitudes, to restore ourselves with an
attitude of love toward You that spills out and overflows to

Yours in Christ,

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0818 Judging
Christian Cyber Ministries

0818 - cdd "Judging" 10/16/03
CyberDailyDevotion by Pastor Bill
Thursday October 16, 2003
Volume 4 Number 173

Today's Author: Pastor Bill

"DollarBill" participant Resurrection Life Church from Eden
Prairie, Minnesota USA has generously contributed to support
today's cdd. Thank you - PTL! pb

Scripture: Matthew 7:1 "Stop judging others, and you will not be
judged." NLT

The preacher poured out the sermon. It was harsh to preach on
judging but needed to be said. He worked hard to not offend
anyone but knew that just the topic could be the most offensive
he had ever preached.

During the sermon he could see an occasional head nod, a smile
here or a frown there. Usually he could get a feel for how the
sermon was going just by expressions but not today. He had no

And as the people filed out he was greeted warmly but no bravos
or even a little hint of way to go pastor. He left dejected. He
failed. He knew it was a tough topic but not one person
commented. He felt awful. Not even his wife had a comment for
him. Dejected he retired to watch a football game and forgot
about what had just taken place!

A few hours later the phone rang. It was from a women's group in
church. They had called an immediate baby shower. The pastors'
wife was asked to attend at 5:00 PM that same day.

At 5:00 PM all the women of the church showed up with packages
wrapped in beautiful bows and wrapping paper. There were games,
fellowship and most of all love was present and all around.

When the pastors' wife returned home she found her husband still
feeling dejected and upset watching yet another football game.
She turned off the TV and sat next to her husband on the sofa.
She said this:

"The women in our church responded to your sermon today and
decided to give a baby shower for the young woman who provided
childcare while they met for Bible study.

She is a beautiful young girl who is unmarried, close to going
on welfare, and without support from her family, friends or the
father-to-be. The young woman was moved to tears by the surprise
baby shower.

The women of the church asked me to explain that your sermon
taught them that it's possible to reach out to someone in need
-- in this case, an unwed mother -- without judging or condoning
the situation."

Yes, the pastor did hear from God and the people did hear the
Pastor and yes they did get the message.

Prayer: Father, help me to get the message you send through your
appointed servant the first time. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen!

Pb 3 Team - prayer: Father please bring 1.......... 2..........
3.......... into your kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen!

OBL Watch: Day 763

Copyright (c) 2003. Pastor Bill. All Rights Reserved

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