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Word for Today, Thu, 2 Oct 2003: A Common Purpose

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I can't remember without looking back at what I've recently
written whether I've told any of you that I've been dealing with
quite a bit of back pain recently. I was able to find a regular
job, working at Sears Electronics as a sales associate. The good
news is that I have a regular job. The more difficult news is
that instead of sitting in front of a computer (which is what
I've done since 1979), I now have to be on my feet every day for
eight hours. I have reason to believe that's why my back's been
aching, and it's certainly part of the reason it's taken so long
(10 days and counting) for the pain from back spasms to subside.

Given my physical woes, I haven't been writing nearly as often as
I usually do. I'd appreciate your prayers, both for my new job
and for my physical and spiritual health.

God's presence is among us continually. We don't have to feel it
at all times or have some moving experience for this statement to
remain true. We certainly don't see air, and we often don't even
see the sun, yet we believe that both are there. We believe that
the ground beneath us will continue to support us, though perhaps
a few of you who happen to live directly above major fault zones
many be less sure about that last statement. Generally speaking,
we have faith in what we cannot see.

We believe, by faith, that God's presence is with us and that God
desires a personal relationship with each one of us. As
Christians, the definition of being a Christian is that we
believe that Jesus Christ personally died for our sins, that we
need a Savior because we have innate character flaws (that God
put there) and that He did so in order to cultivate a personal
relationship with us. God desires our love, He became a man,
Jesus Christ, and actually anticipated and endured suffering
because of the huge, unlimited capacity to love us and a burning
passion to be with us. At the same time, God is God, pure and
holy. Something had to be done to cleanse us of wrongdoing so
that God could restore all that we've done to move away from Him.
That's what Christians believe that Jesus Christ has done - He's
become the "Bridge to Cross the Great Divide" between God and
man. I want a relationship with that God and that Christ. Do

Yours in Christ,

The Pattern of Preference for Others
Luke 22:24-30

The world may never offer us any more tangible
expressions of God's presence than opportunities for service to
others. However, by watching the world we cannot learn the
pattern of relationships that will prevail in the eternal
community of saints called the church. Instead, while living
and acting in the world, we should cultivate a strong desire for
the divine pattern. Our desire is kindled as we submit to the
example and teachings of Christ.
The first disciples were a lot like us. They lived in a
society in which those who possessed and exercised power over
others were considered great. Jesus told them that this pattern
is to be completely and forever reversed. This example of
selfless and sacrificial service teaches us that men who strive
to get ahead of one another will ultimately finish far behind
those who strive to serve one another (Luke 22:24-30).
What things are of concern to you right now? As you
look back on these worries ten years from now, will they seem
petty and insignificant? Why not take this opportunity to get
your yes off yourself and redirect your attention to the Savior
of the world? As you wait for His return, focus on being His
humble servant.

"Taken from God's Man (c) 2000 by Don M. Aycock. Published by
Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI. Used by permission of
the publisher. All rights reserved."

Brian Masinick,
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