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Word for Today, Thu, 23 Oct 2003: Whatever you do...

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

ear friends,

We've been discussing attitudes throughout the week. In today's
message, I've pulled a short message from the Nazarene
Christian's Digest, a resource that I've not shared often, if at
all, to the 1Corinthian 7 or Word for Today mailing lists.
Those of us who are practicing Christians have probably heard
and read this passage before: "Whatever you do, work at it with
all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."

Does that affect either your thoughts or your actions in any way?
It ought to. It ought to change your entire life's perspective.
It has certainly completely changed mine. But I also have to
continually remind myself of this fact and be purposeful about
it. I need to remind myself throughout the day that Christ gave
everything for me - what a gift of love!

In the busy activities of the day, whether being a parent or an
employee, it is easy to get caught up and distracted by other
things. That's why I say it is vitally important to be
purposeful about working for the Lord, not for men.

Precious Lord, please help each of us to cling to You, confess
and repent of neglectful attitudes, arrogant attitudes, or any
other attitudes that crowd You out. Restore us with an
attitude of love toward You that spills out and overflows to

Yours in Christ,

Nazarene-Christians Digest, by Paul Davidson

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for
the Lord, not for men." -Colossians 3:23

My wife gave me a small picture I keep at my office. It is a
picture of a man at the wheel or helm of what must be a large
sailboat. Standing right behind the man is Jesus and He is
pointing to something straight ahead that both He and the man
are looking at intently together. I keep that at my desk to
remind me that Jesus is in control of my life and no matter how
busy the rest of the world may get, I must seek the direction
and guidance of Jesus. We must take this passage of scripture
seriously. Before you begin your work day today, I encourage you
to stop and pray a blessing over your work area. Then pray a
blessing for your coworkers and especially your boss or bosses.
See Jesus blessed everyone that He came in contact with and we
should be no different. Remember you are an ambassador to Christ
and you are a blessing to all around you. Reflect the blessings
that God has given you to others.

In Jesus' name...

Brian Masinick,
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