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Word for Today, Thu, 28 Aug 2003: Gentle, Appropriate Restoration

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Yesterday, I wrote that "for me, personally, I think the focus
needs to be on Jesus Christ first." One of the issues that was
mentioned in the article about the church was that the
institutional church "...has been the worst part..." I suggest
that in addition to the traditions and veneer that we often place
around our churches, one of the other factors that drive people
away is a self righteous attitude of judgment.

In today's message, Neil Anderson effectively deals with this
issue and suggests some distinctions and appropriate ways of
handling confrontation and sin. It's probably a different
approach than some of the people who have been troubled by the
traditional church have experienced. I suggest that a return to
the scriptures, not just paying lip service to them, would do a
world of good for all of us - naturally I say this because of my
own personal need to heed these words.

I pray that God will continually do a work in each of our
hearts, not only today, but each moment of each day. Let's keep
our accounts with God short, let's listen, not just talk, and
let's learn to be patient and love one another deeply, following
the example that Christ set before us. The church is God's
institution. When we put God first in it, the church will

Your Brother in Christ,



from Freedom in Christ Ministries

August 28


Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are
spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness
(Galatians 6:1).

Are there any occasions when Christians should confront each
other on matters of behavior? Yes. We are required by God to
confront and restore those who have clearly violated the
boundaries of Scripture (Matthew 18:15, 16). But let me alert
you to an important distinction in this area: Discipline is an
issue of confronting observed behavior--that which you have
personally witnessed (Galatians 6:1); judgment is an issue of
character. We are instructed to confront others concerning sins
we have observed, but we are not allowed to judge their
character (Matthew 7:1; Romans 14:13). Disciplining is our
responsibility; judging character is God's responsibility.

For example, imagine that you just caught your child telling a
lie. "You're a liar," you say to him. That's judgment, an attack
on his character. But if you say, "Son, you just told a lie,"
that's discipline. You're holding him accountable based on an
observed behavior.

Or let's say that a Christian friend admits to you that he
cheated on his income tax return. If you confront him as a
thief, you are judging his character and that's not your
responsibility. You can only confront him on the basis of what
you see: "By cheating on your taxes, you are stealing from the
government and that's wrong."

Much of what we call discipline is nothing less than character
assassination. We say to our disobedient child: "You're a bad
boy." We say to a failing Christian brother or sister: "You're
not a good Christian." Such statements don't correct or edify;
they tear down character and convey disapproval for the person
as well as his problem. Your child is not a liar; he's a child
of God who has told a lie. Your Christian friend is not a thief;
he's a child of God who has taken something which doesn't belong
to him. We must hold people accountable for their behavior, but
we are never allowed to denigrate their character.

Forgive me, Father, for judging others. Enable me to discipline
in love those I care about and for whom I am responsible.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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