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Word for Today, Tue, 02 Mar 2004: Healing After Divorce?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 02 Mar 2004: Healing After Divorce?

Dear friends,

I like to share Larry Davies' Sowing Seeds of Faith weekly
devotionals with you, usually on a weekly basis. Larry also has
started publishing a series of daily devotionals because he's
written enough material for each day of the year. Check his Web
site for details.

Today's message returns to a topic that has been discussed
before. In fact, this is part three in Larry's series on the
topic. We all know (or should know) in our hearts that divorce
is not a good thing, and we also ought to know that God does not
like divorce at all. One passage in the Bible even says that God
hates divorce. Don't we all? Yet we know that it happens, and
it even happens to some people who would have never desired it or
wanted it. Larry himself has been in such a position. As it
turns out, so have I. So there's two people right there who know
God's Word, know what it says about divorce, yet we've
experienced it. I sure know the consequences of my own sin. Now

Well, the Bible also talks an awful lot about healing and
reconciliation. If I messed up and committed some awful sin and
had nowhere to go from there, where would be the hope? Where
would be the alternative? God is so gracious that even though
some awful things happen in life, He still provides a way for
each of us - providing we're willing to take it. The way is
Christ, the path is redemption, and it is possible to be
redeemed, brought back, made new, fixed up, healed, you pick the
words that help you understand best.

You see, God loves each of us, and He'll never give up on us. It
is we who give up on ourselves.

Larry writes a good message about this topic. If you've missed
other commentaries, they can be found on his Web site. Even if
you have a great marriage, chances are, you know someone who is
struggling or someone who's faced divorce. There are
opportunities everywhere to minister to others. Helping those
who deal with marital issues and divorce is but one opportunity
we have to show Christ to our family, friends, and neighbors.

Yours in Christ,


-----Original Message-----
From: Teri []
Thank you Larry for you ministry. Today's story on the healing
comfort of God was so right on. Both my husband and I suffer
from chronic illnesses, that God has not chosen to heal, at
least not yet. I know that for me having fibromyalgia for over
30 yrs can get me down sometimes, but one thing I know as well,
God sends his healing hand of comfort to me 24/7 so that I can
give that touch to someone else, God bless you as you continue
to be used, through this ministry. In His Love Teri "Look to
the Lord and His strength. Seek His face always. Psalm 105:4

You can become one of our over 8,000 prayer partners by clicking

You can read part one and two of our series on healing and
comfort by clicking here:

Divorce, Healing Comfort and Ministry Part 3
by Larry Davies

A woman dying of emphysema taught me the hard way that God will
not often physically heal someone just because they ask: rather
healing is an extraordinary miracle which should never be reduced
to an everyday occurrence. However, God does promise and is
always offering healing comfort. Paul wrote: "God is the source
of every mercy and the God who comforts us." (2 Co. 1:3)

Through Joni Eareckson Tada and her struggle as a quadriplegic, I
learned how God's healing comfort turns into an opportunity for
ministry. Joni's transition from wanting to die to becoming a
painter, author and founder of the Christian organization, "Joni
and Friends" has allowed her to witness her faith worldwide. "He
comforts us in all our troubles so we can comfort others. When
others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same
comfort God has given us." (2 Co. 1:4)

My personal encounter with divorce, however taught me the
greatest lesson of all: God will allow us to feel pain,
disappointment and heartbreak but in the midst of the crisis,
God stands ready to offer healing comfort and then provides an
opportunity for us to offer that same comfort to others.

When my marriage was disintegrating I begged God to heal our
relationship-- He didn't!

"I'm leaving you. I don't like this town or this life and I
don't love you!" The conversation took longer but it was what
she meant. Within days, my wife of fifteen years packed her
clothes, half our furniture and many of our memories in a
borrowed pickup truck and moved away to start over. Left behind
were two crying children, an emotionally wrecked husband and a
confused church.

So many questions come to mind during an experience like this and
I remember asking them all. "Why is she leaving me? Am I really
that hard to live with? How will I care for my children? Will
she come back? What about my career as a minister? How can I
stand in front of a congregation and admit to being a failure?
Will they let me continue as pastor? Do I even want to continue?
Is this what God had in mind when I changed careers to serve the
church? Oh Lord-- why me?"

Divorce explodes the perfect pastoral image. In addition to the
excruciating personal pain of a marital break-up there is also
the public humiliation of having your leadership abilities
challenged before church and community. So clergy divorce
becomes a dual tragedy, personally and professionally, causing
severe emotional damage to the pastor, his/her family and the

God did not heal our marriage but I soon received healing

Within hours I was surrounded by friends, church members and
pastors. No one knew what to say but it didn't matter. They
offered reassurance that I was loved. Their gestures touched me
in ways I will always cherish. A neighbor listened quietly while
I talked, cried, rambled and even cursed. He lovingly allowed me
the opportunity to be angry... to say stupid things... to be
human... to release years of pent-up frustration... to grieve.
Through him and others God provided healing comfort.

Over the next few months, I discovered additional people facing
similar difficulties. Eventually we formed a divorce support
group and began meeting regularly. We all needed a chance to
talk freely in the company of those who understood the unique
problems of separation and divorce. One session would be about
anger, then a Bible study on divorce or possibly a discussion on
how to raise children as single parents. I soon began preaching
and writing on those experiences.

Divorce is a sin against the sacred covenant of marriage. Yet in
the midst of my sin I rediscovered the precious gift of God's
amazing grace, I found healing comfort in the midst of my crisis.
Then God unveiled a vital new ministry. I was broken, received
comfort and then transformed by God.

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort
others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them
the same comfort God has given us." (2 Cor. 1:4) Thank you, God.

Next week: Larry will attempt to put all three of the past
devotions together and talk about healing ministry and the
church today.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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