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Word for Today, Tue, 05 Aug 2003: Important Questions to Answer

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Each week, two of the devotional resources that I like to share
with you come from Phil Ware's Weekly Verses, which I send on
Monday, if I receive it in my mailbox on time, and Sowing Seeds
of Faith, which I send out on Tuesday or Wednesday. I also
frequently share Neil Anderson's Daily in Christ series, Oswald
Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest, and various other resources.
Occasionally I will write my own messages, based both on what
I've read from others and what I understand and believe in the
Word of God.

Today I'd like to share again with you from Larry Davies' Sowing
Seeds of Faith weekly series. Larry mentions that he now has a
daily devotional series available, you can find that information

This message is a great one about attitude. It asks us some
really useful questions. When things get difficult, who do we
question? Where do we go for help? Who do we blame?

Job was a man who did right before God. Even so, when things
began to get difficult for him, he questioned his own life and
asked "Where is God?" - even to the point of challenging God.

Before we get judgmental on Job, I'd suggest that Job was, in
fact, an upright man. He was a man of principle and he refused
to curse God. But I'd also suggest that he's like many of us.
We do question God, don't we? We wonder whether His plan is
really right for us or not.

Job got a face to face confrontation with God, and to his credit,
he "got it" - he understood his place and he understood God's

One day we will get a face to face confrontation with God - when
we meet Him in judgment for all eternity. Between now and then,
do we have to challenge whether or not God's choices for our life
are right or not, or shall we choose to graciously accept the
provisions that God has given to us, and earnestly seek to do
His will, no matter what?

I have to admit that I struggle with this, but I also know this
story well. For me, I have zero excuse if I don't heed it's
message. Will you read God's Word, understand that He's in
control, He loves us and provides for us, and serve Him, both
faithfully and patiently? That's my personal heart's desire.
And you?

Dear Lord,

I thank You for Your Word, the truth that is in it, the
promises, the reminders, the directives, the encouragement, and
the admonishment that it brings to me in just the right way. I
thank You for making Your Word available and understandable, and
pray that you will use the Word in my life each day, not only
for my own benefit, but for the encouragement of others, too.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Did you know you can make Sowing Seeds of Faith a part of your
daily devotional reading? We've set up a special page on our
website so you can read a devotion for the day. Click here and
save it:

Dear Larry, I wrote to you a couple of months ago needing
prayer. I was at the end of my rope just hanging on by a thread
and God sent you and your prayer team to comfort me and lift me
up. I have been doing a lot better, although sometimes it's
still hard. I had so many people praying for me. I felt like I
was surrounded by God's angels. Thank you so much. Cheryl. PS: A
lot of people are skeptics when it comes to sites like yours but
I know better because God worked through you.

Join our prayer team today by clicking here:

For part one... click here:

"Sudden Storms, Job & One String Part 2"
Larry Davies

Last week, I mentioned unexpected storms causing trouble, so I
faked a little stumble during our worship service and ended up
actually falling... hard. Dumb! Speaking of unanticipated
storms, recently we were told to prepare for an inch or two of
snow. Instead, snow fell all night dropping a record seventeen
inches, bringing our whole area to a complete standstill. Oh
well, it could be worse. At least we didn't lose our
electricity. (Sudden blackout) "Hey! Who turned out the lights?"

Unexpected storms are the reason why understanding the book of
Job is so important. Why would "a man of complete integrity"
(Job 1:8) suffer so grievously? Job's three friends provide no
help as they continue to look for wrongdoing. Some friends! Yet
when others fall, don't we often shake our heads and offer trite
explanations, unwanted criticism and slanderous gossip?

"If only I had someone who would listen to me and try to see my
side!" says Job. "Look, I will sign my name to my defense. Let
the almighty show me that I am wrong... I would face the
accusation proudly." (31:35-36) In other words... where is God
when we fall hard? Good question!

"Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind. Brace yourself
because I have some questions for you... Where were you when I
laid the foundation of the earth? Who defined the boundaries of
the sea? Have you ever commanded the morning to appear? Where
does the light come from? Can you hold back the movements of the
stars?" (Parts of Job 38) Instead of answering Job's questions,
God asks a few of his own. How can this possibly help Job cope
with tragedy?

It may be the best answer of all because Job seems to comprehend
who God really is. Job says, "I know that you can do anything...
and I was talking about things I did not understand, things too
wonderful for me... I take back everything I said." (42:2-3)
What did Job understand?

In the beginning, God holds up Job as a shining example but
Satan replies: "Yes, Job fears God, but not without good reason!
You have always protected him and his home and his property from
harm... But take away everything he has and he will surely curse
you to your face!" (1:9-11)

All the forces of good and evil are carefully watching! How
would Job respond to catastrophe? We see him cry for mercy, beg
for answers and scream from the pain so that when God appears,
Job is expected to curse God to his face but instead chooses to
trust even in the uncertainty. Job's faith in the midst of
tragedy is a triumphal victory over evil and all of heaven

The great violinist, Nicolo Paganini is left with one string and
a concert hall full of expectant listeners. What would he do?
Everyone is watching and waiting. Paganini held the violin high
for everyone to see and shouted, "Paganini and one string!" He
nodded to the conductor to begin and with a twinkle in his eye,
began to play as the audience shook their heads in amazement.

Dr. Victor Frankl stood before the glaring lights of the Nazi
courtroom stripped of everything or was he? He suddenly realized
there was one thing they could never take away from him - just
one. He had the power to choose his attitude. Would it be
bitterness or forgiveness? Would he submit to the sadistic
brutality or would he dare to shout out, "Dr. Frankl and one

* When the doctor calls... can you trust in God's presence to
see you through?
* When your spouse abandons you... can you believe in a God who
is ever faithful?
* When another car suddenly pulls in front of yours... can you
believe God is still in control?
* When everything seems to break... can you cling to the one
string God always provides?

Studying Job fortifies your faith and strengthens the decisive
one string called, "attitude:" an attitude of trust and
determined perseverance able to withstand tragedies to come.
Sudden storms will always appear out of nowhere dumping
seventeen inches of snow on a community prepared for two.
Circumstances can lead to calamity. The question is: how will
you respond when you're down to the final string? Job chose
faith and persevered. What will you choose?

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join
our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

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